Health Tips for Esports Players


Last Updated on October 24, 2024

The world of esports is now increasingly known by people with games that are competed to win many prizes, but some people who may not know everything about the world of esports think they only play games and just sit in front of the computer then their fingers function to control the game via the keyboard, another fact is that the world of esports has developed into an industry that is now increasingly popular, players who usually participate in esports tournaments are certainly professional players and of course have health and stamina that are always maintained, so it is not uncommon for them to always sacrifice focus, physical health and maintain their mental health, which may not be known by many people is that some of them also experience several problems when required to have high game hours.

In this article we will provide a number of tips that may be for those of you who want to jump in or have participated in esports tournaments, especially so that you can maintain a balance between training and keeping your body in top condition when needed for team matches.

  1. Set a regular time and rest hours

As a professional esports player, of course, long training times are always carried out to be able to improve a number of game performances and skills, but if the time in playing cannot be managed properly and regularly, it will certainly have a negative impact on esports players, the pressure on players to be able to provide high flying hours will cause a number of health problems starting from mental and physical fatigue, which in the end will certainly reduce performance to be able to compete.

One way that players can do to maintain body balance is to manage time better, a technique that you can try is to play for 25 minutes, then you can rest for 5 minutes, you will continue to do this for up to 4 sessions then after that you can rest with a longer time for 15 to 30 minutes, methods and techniques like this can help the brain to stay focused, the body and eyes can reduce muscle tension that may be felt while playing.

  1. Free time Rest

In addition to maintaining the physical and mental health of players, players also have the right to play games that may not be submitted to participate in tournaments, such as during breaks or relax players can freely play games they like with other genres such as slot 4d games, even so light games like this are very suitable to be played in between breaks or when there is no training, don’t forget to keep managing your time so you can stay fit during training sessions.

  1. The Importance of Regular Physical Exercise

Just like someone who works in an office, esports players also spend more time sitting and playing games, if this lasts a long time it will certainly cause health problems and also obesity problems if players have a hobby of eating or are lazy to move, therefore it is important to include a sports training program in your daily routine.

Regular physical exercise can help maintain body fitness, improve blood circulation, and strengthen muscles that may be stiff from sitting too long. Some recommended exercises for esports players include walking, jogging, strength training, yoga, or even light stretching before and after a game session. In addition, this physical activity can also help improve mood and reduce stress that often occurs before a competition.

  1. Proper Nutritional Intake

One thing that should not be forgotten besides exercising is of course paying attention to a number of intakes that must be consumed by players, this is of course to maintain performance and health of the body and brain, players who have sufficient nutrition will certainly have their nutritional needs met so that they will find it easier to maintain concentration and reflexes to play.

As much as possible, esports players should avoid foods that contain fast food and are high in fat and sugar, they can replace them with protein and foods with healthier fat content, don’t forget to drink enough water to avoid dehydration while playing or during training sessions.

Taking certain supplements, such as vitamin B, omega-3 fatty acids, or other brain supplements can also help support cognitive function and increase mental endurance during competition.