Tips for Creating a Luxury Home that is Kid Friendly

Luxury Home that is Kid Friendly

Last Updated on August 7, 2024

Many parents think they must choose between having kids and having nice things. Yet there are parents all over the world who manage to keep a home full of luxury plants, top-of-the-line appliances, and expensive furnishings while having a kid or several children in the house. How do they do this?

Undeniably, kids are an important factor when deciding the type of furniture stores to shop at or how much to spend on plant decor. Parents are advised to include their kids in the whole design process for a more comfortable living arrangement for everyone. While parents might need a stylish home, kids also need a comfy place to live where they are free to play and relax. Follow the following steps to create a kid-friendly luxury home.

Teach the kids to appreciate quality.

Start early to instill in the kids a sense of appreciation for quality. You might lose a few expensive possessions at first, especially when they’re toddlers, but with time, they will learn to respect important household items. Kids will not learn to be around luxury if they’re constantly kept away from it. 

Safe purchase items

Even though you want your home to stand out, remember you have kids in it, so items must be safe. For instance, do not put glass décor on surfaces where a toddler might reach. Any plants hanging off the wall should be installed appropriately so as not to fall off suddenly. Likewise, your table décor should be kid-friendly. Consult a professional whenever you have questions about whether a specific item might be safe for kids. If you have small children, consider that they sometimes bounce off the walls, so keep the lower walls free of sharp objects. These types of items can be hung safely above the kids’ reach/

Create a play area for the kids.

You can create a play area outdoors, indoors, or both. If you are creating an outdoor play area, choose a location close to your house where you can keep an eye on the kids. It could be a kiddie pool, trampoline, or bouncy castle in the backyard or a tree house at the front of the house. If indoors, you can create a playroom in the basement and fill it with toys and other items of interest for kids. 

Make their play area extraordinary.

Kids play with toys daily at school, daycare, and friends’ houses. These locations have many swing sets, slides, and little people’s houses. You’ll need to think outside the box to create a playhouse where they’ll want to spend time. You may need to spend more money to get play items not found in every playroom—for instance, a rock-climbing wall, ball pit, or sand pit. You can also pay a designer to design this particular room for you. Having a unique playroom will keep the kids out of the adult spaces. Also, invest in educational items that can stimulate the child’s mind, such as learning toys and arts and crafts items. Finally, if you are going for a luxury feel all through your home, do not exclude the kid’s rooms from the home’s overall theme. Choose lasting items that do not go out of style quickly, and every few years, you could renovate the room to include toys that better match your kids’ ages. This way, the kids feel special and included in their play area.

Choose your flooring carefully.

Your flooring choice is important to determine how luxurious your home will look. You can teach the kids how to maintain and care for any high-end flooring for a luxury home. For instance, if you have installed original hardwood floors, you can enforce a rule consistently to wear socks around the house or to use a mat to wipe their shoes whenever they have to enter the house with shoes for any reason. You can also get protection for all furniture legs and explain to kids that certain items may not be dragged on the floor around certain parts of the house. An important tip with hardwood floors is to use rugs in most parts of the house until the kids are old enough to care for the floors properly. Another excellent option for flooring is laminate floors. These floors are resilient, yet the high-quality ones still give off a luxurious feel.

Invest in Storage Spaces

Create storage spaces throughout the home so kids can quickly put their toys away after playing. Apart from storage baskets and built-in cabinets, you can have storage drawers in almost everything, e.g. the couch, the bed, the ottoman, hallway benches, etc. Having easy-to-reach storage spaces means you can quickly put away out-of-place items, making your luxury home appear spic and span at all times.