Typical Terms for a Hard Money Loan


Last Updated on January 18, 2023

When it comes to hard money loans, there are typical terms that you can expect. These can include interest rates, down payment, and length of the term. You can also find out whether or not there are fees associated with the loan.

Interest rates

Hard money loans are a type of short-term financing for real estate investments. They are often used by fix-and-flippers.

These types of loans offer a variety of benefits, including flexibility, convenience, and speed. In some cases, borrowers can get approval in as little as a few days, but interest rates can be higher than those of conventional loans. It’s important to understand how these loans work before deciding which one is right for you.

Hard money lenders are private individuals who provide alternative financing. Their business is based on originating and underwriting loans based on the value of a property. A borrower’s experience, credit score, and investment history will play a big role in his or her loan.

While interest rates can be high, there are ways to minimize them. Putting down more of a down payment will help offset the cost of the loan. Another option is to negotiate with the lender to refinance at a lower rate.

The average hard money loan rate is about 11 to 13 percent. Some lenders charge as much as 18 percent. However, the rates vary, depending on the length of the loan, the property, and the lender.

For example, a borrower with a good credit history and a good investment history may be able to secure a hard money loan with an annual interest rate of about 10%. Borrowers with a less-than-stellar credit rating should expect to pay a higher rate.

If you are a new investor, you can also expect to pay a higher interest rate. But, having a good relationship with your lender can help you secure a favorable deal.

Hard money loans are not for everyone. Rather, they are ideal for those who need to repair or flip a property quickly.

Loan-to-value ratios

The loan-to-value ratio is an important measurement of a real estate investment. It is calculated by dividing the amount of the loan by the value of the property. There are many different factors that can affect the calculation.

A high LTV means that the lender is lending a higher percentage of the property’s value. This can mean higher interest rates, but it can also help you generate more profit.

A low LTV means that the lender is lending based on a smaller percentage of the collateral’s value. As a result, you’ll get a lower amount of money.

LTV is determined by an appraisal, and the results will be sent to you with the application. You can also get an opinion of value from a broker. These estimates are much quicker than a traditional appraisal.

The best LTV ratio is one that is 80% or more. If you’re considering a hard money loan, be sure to shop around. Depending on the type of loan, your interest rate may vary wildly.

High LTV loans are suitable for borrowers who can generate a profit from the loan. Lower LTV ratios are more common. However, you should always read the fine print before committing to a hard money loan.

Having a loan with a high LTV will also increase the risk of default. That’s why lenders charge a higher interest rate. If you can’t make payments, you can lose your asset. Some hard money lenders will offer private mortgage insurance.

Hard money lenders will also look at your credit history. Often, they are less concerned with your score than banks are. They can look at your plan for the property, which includes how you’ll pay off the loan.

Term length

A hard money loan is a type of secured loan that is used to purchase investment property or land. It is a fast-paced and quick way to get the capital you need to buy real estate. However, the rates are higher than a traditional commercial loan.

Hard money loans are most popular with investors who need to buy, renovate or flip properties. These types of loans are also useful for people who want to refinance a current home. In order to qualify for a hard money loan, you’ll need to have enough equity in the property to cover your monthly payments.

Applicants must also have a plan for the property. This plan can include selling or improving the property, and it must show how they intend to repay the loan. Usually, a down payment of 20 to 30 percent of the total loan amount is required.

Almost all hard money loans are backed by collateral. The property can be a borrower’s own property, or it could be another property. Many lenders do not specialize in residential property.

While the term length for a hard money loan can vary, it typically ranges from one to five years. Some lenders can extend this period, and some allow a fee to extend the loan’s repayment terms.

Unlike a traditional commercial loan, a hard money loan will not be funded by a conventional lender. Instead, a private investor or financing company will provide the capital.

As with all types of loans, the term length for a hard money loan will depend on the lender’s criteria. However, many loans will have interest-only payments during the initial period of the loan. At the end of the term, the original amount of the loan will be repaid, along with any remaining interest.

Down payment

When it comes to borrowing money, borrowers can choose from a variety of options. Some of these options include traditional mortgages and hard money loans. Hard money loans are particularly attractive for people looking to purchase or refinance properties that they intend to renovate.

The underwriting process for hard money loans is very straightforward. They typically only require a down payment of between 20 and 30 percent of the loan. In addition, the lender may perform a credit check.

Since these loans are typically for quick purchases, they tend to have shorter repayment periods. However, some hard money lenders will expect a balloon payment, or one-time, payment at the end of the loan. This is a riskier type of financing, and it will cost the borrower more interest.

It is important to remember that a good relationship with a lender can help you secure the funds you need. While these loans do not have as stringent credit requirements as traditional loans, they do require the borrower to have a credit score that is healthy. If you have a low score, you will have to pay a higher rate.

Depending on your property’s value, you might need to pay a larger down payment than you would for a traditional mortgage. For example, if you’re looking to purchase a home for $88,000, you’ll need to put down at least $8,000 as your down payment.

The down payment is an important part of a hard money loan. It proves that you’re a serious buyer and that you’ll be able to make the payments. Lenders are more likely to approve a loan if you can show that you have enough down payment to protect them against future losses.


If you’re interested in obtaining a hard money loan, you’ll need to know what kinds of fees you can expect. These can vary greatly from lender to lender. It’s a good idea to compare rates from several different lenders to see what’s available.

The main fees a borrower can expect from a hard money lender are the origination fee, the underwriting fee, and the prepayment penalty. You may also be charged an extension fee or closing fee.

Most hard money loans are designed to help real estate investors purchase a property. They typically offer shorter payment periods and flexible credit requirements. Hard money lenders don’t perform full credit checks, but they will perform a quick review of your finances.

Lenders will determine the terms of your loan based on the value of the collateral. In most cases, you’ll need at least a 20 percent down payment. This helps mitigate the lender’s risk and shows your commitment to the project.

Borrowers who have poor credit or little equity in their property may have a difficult time finding a lender. But it’s not impossible.

A lot of hard money lenders are more willing to approve borrowers with bad credit than traditional lenders. However, you should improve your credit before applying. Also, be sure to have more collateral than the minimum required.

Many lenders will offer interest-only repayment periods. During these periods, you’ll make monthly payments but only pay back the balance of the loan at the end of the term. Interest-only periods are not favorable to borrowers.

Another common fee for hard money loans is points. Points are usually paid at the beginning of the loan. Points can be as low as 1% of the total loan amount.