Last Updated on January 16, 2023
On average, at least one in ten women struggle with heavy periods, referred to as menorrhagia. The bleeding can significantly impact your overall health and the quality of your life. Heavy periods can take over your life, such as restraining your social activities due to leaking or needing frequent sanitary towel/tampon changes. The symptoms could also be overwhelming, especially considering the cause. They could include debilitating pain, cramps, and pressure. This emphasizes the need to seek Lake Mary heavy bleeding medical attention for thorough diagnosis and treatment. Heavy bleeding could be caused by:
- Fibroids
- Cancer
- Miscarriage
- Blood clotting disorders
- Hormonal imbalance
- Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) issues
- Conditions like endometriosis
- Certain medication
In some cases, the heavy bleeding may not have an apparent cause, referred to as idiopathic menorrhagia or dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Heavy bleeding does not have to turn your life inside out, not when many treatment options are available. You can select a treatment based on considerations like:
- Childbearing plans
- Medical history and current health standing
- The bleeding severity
- Tolerance to certain medication
- Personal preferences
Among the treatments available include:
Medical therapy
The approach is a go-to for many since it doesn’t impact your childbearing plans, lead to early menopause, or expose you to many side effects, risks, and complications. The medical therapy path is also ideal for almost every woman and delivers effective results. The common medical options are:
- Oral contraceptives – The pill does more than prevent unwanted pregnancies. They help regulate the menstrual cycle, reducing prolonged and heavy bleeding.
- Tranexamic acid – the medicine is taken at the time of bleeding, which lowers blood loss.
- IUD – hormonal IUD releases levonorgestrel, a progestin that results in uterine lining thinning. This results in lower bleeding and can even help lessen the cramps.
- Progesterone – the hormonal medication helps address the hormonal imbalance, which could be the main culprit behind the heavy bleeding.
- NSAIDs – Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help lower menstrual blood loss and manage other concerns like painful cramps.
Medical procedures
In certain instances, the medicine may not deliver notable effects, which makes medical procedures the next step. The surgical approach is usually the last resort, mainly because it may mean you can’t bear a child. Hysterectomy, for example, entails uterus and cervix removal, a permanent treatment that also means the end to your childbearing ability. You will no longer have periods, and the treatment may likely lead to premature menopause. Other common procedures include:
- Endometrial resection
- Dilation and curettage (D&C)
- Focused ultrasound surgery
- Uterine artery embolization
- Endometrial ablation
- Myomectomy
- Endometrial ablation
Most of the procedures are managed on an outpatient basis. General anesthesia may be administered to minimize pain and/or discomfort. Some, like hysterectomy and myomectomy, require a few days in the hospital. Procedures like D&C may require additional sessions if heavy bleeding recurs. Surgical treatments are usually the last resort considering their impacts on fertility and overall health.
Heavy menstrual bleeding could signify other underlying conditions like fibroids or thyroid disease. In such cases, treating the conditions usually resolves the issue. Menstrual cycles are natural, but you shouldn’t suffer from heavy bleeding in secret. Visit Christopher K Quinsey, MD, for more on available treatment options.