5 Signs You Need to Schedule an OB/GYN Appointment

Young woman patient with a senior gynecologist during the consultation in the gynecological office

Last Updated on February 2, 2024

Every few years after age 21, women should have a comprehensive gynecological checkup and be checked for cervical cancer by their doctor, according to established recommendations. Suppose, though, something that causes you some concern happens in the meantime? You may not require any therapy for your vaginal discomfort. It is also possible that you have a slight illness that does not need medical attention. However, without the care of Physicians for Women – Melius, Schurr & Cardwell, even a minor disease might worsen. Vaginal discomfort may sometimes be an indication of more significant health issues.

You should see a gynecologist as soon as possible if any of the following signs or conditions occur.

  1.     Odor and discharge changes

Every lady has a distinct vaginal odor that is unique to her. The things you consume may also have an impact on your vaginal smells. However, you should contact your doctor if you detect a sudden fishy odor and abnormal discharge.

  1.     Itchiness or a burning sensation

Another indication that you should contact your gynecologist is if you start to feel itchy or burned. Itching and burning may be caused by various things, including an infection or an STI. Drinking water and cranberry juice might sometimes help treat a urinary tract infection (UTI). When an untreated urinary tract infection (UTI) worsens, it may become a severe kidney infection.

You may be allergic to latex in most condoms if you have this reaction after having sex. If you are experiencing itchiness or a burning sensation, your gynecologist can help you identify the source and devise a treatment plan.

  1.     Spotting or bleeding in between cycles

You should see a doctor if you detect bleeding between your periods. Please don’t freak out, but don’t put it off. Early intervention is connected with the best results when a significant issue arises. Spotting outside of your menstrual cycle might indicate cervical cancer, pelvic pain, atypical discharge, and discomfort during intercourse.

  1.     Painful periods

Everyone’s cramps are unique, and many women experience some discomfort. If they do, it might point to a more significant issue. If you have experienced painful cramps throughout your life, it is more likely that your condition is not severe. It is more alarming if they begin later in life or if the pain worsens or changes over time; this might indicate that you have got a disease that is making you suffer. Even if nothing is wrong, you will be grateful you went to see your doctor—you should not have to endure crippling agony monthly.

  1.     Painful intercourse

You should inform your OB/GYN if you have discomfort during or during a sexual encounter. Painful intercourse may cause vaginal dryness and swelling, itching or burning, and other symptoms, such as vaginal dryness and edema.

In addition to the required yearly pelvic exam, several symptoms justify an additional visit to the gynecologist. It would help if you kept an eye out for any changes you see in your gynecological health. If you have any symptoms, immediately make an appointment with your doctor.