What Makes a Good SEO Article?


If you’re looking to improve your website’s search engine ranking, it’s important to write good SEO articles. But what makes a good SEO article? In this blog post, we will discuss the essential elements and give you some tips on how to write one. 

What’s considered a good SEO article anyway?

Any SEO company Sydney worth their salt would agree that generally, a good SEO article is one that is keyword-rich, informative and engaging. It should also be well-written and free of grammatical errors. Here are some things to keep in mind when writing a good SEO article:

  • Use keywords throughout your article.

Keywords are the words or phrases that describe what your topic is about. They are the words that people will use to search for your article.

By including keywords throughout your article, you can help improve your article’s search engine ranking. Just be sure to use them sparingly and avoid keyword stuffing, which is when you include too many keywords in an attempt to improve your ranking.

  • Make it informative and engaging.

As mentioned earlier, a good SEO article is not only keyword-rich but also informative and engaging. It should provide valuable information that people are looking for. The more informative and engaging your article is, the more likely people are to read it and share it with others.

  • Keep it well-written.

A good SEO article is also well-written and compelling. It goes without saying that the article must be free of any grammatical errors and typos. If your article is poorly written, it will reflect badly on your website and business.

  • Include keyword-rich titles and descriptions.

In addition to including keywords throughout your article, be sure to include them in your title and description. The title and description are what people will see when they find your article in a search engine. If they are not keyword-rich, people may not click on your article.

  • Use appropriate alt text for images.

Whenever you include images in your article, be sure to add an appropriate alt text, which is the text that appears when an image can’t be displayed. It should describe the image and include relevant keywords.

  • Add internal links.

Internal links are links from a page in your website to another page within the same domain. They help people navigate your website and find related content. In addition, they help improve your website’s ranking by indicating to search engines the importance of certain pages on your site.

  • Add external links.

External links refer to links from your site to a different website. They help give readers more information about your topic and can also help improve your search engine ranking. Just be sure not to link to sites that are low-quality or spammy.

By following these tips and reminders, you can write a good SEO article that will help improve your website’s search engine ranking. Just remember to focus on quality over quantity and don’t keyword stuff your articles. 

What are some other tips for writing a good SEO article? Share them with us in the comments below!


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