4 Simple Moving Tips That Will Save You Time and Money

Moving Tips
Moving Tips

Are you moving to a brand new home soon? Whilst moving somewhere else can be exciting, the actual moving process is very stressful. When you come to realize how many possessions you own, it can seem overwhelming and make you want to run. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are lots of simple tricks to save you time and money whilst moving. In this article, we’ll share four of the most useful moving tips you should know to get you ready for the big day. Follow these and the whole experience will be much smoother.

Read on for more information.

1. Ask Around for Moving Boxes

Come moving day, you’re going to be handling more boxes than you ever have before – but you don’t necessarily have to buy new ones.

Grocery stores throw away hundreds if not thousands of boxes every week. Head down to your local store and ask a manager if they can donate some to you.

Alternatively, you could ask for boxes on social media. Lots of people end up with leftover boxes from house moves and don’t know what to do with them. Some may charge you but others may be glad to get rid of them for free.

They may even have leftover tape and other useful moving tools.

2. Pack Fragile Items in Your Clothes

Delicate items such as glass vases, plates, and mugs have to be stored safely to prevent breakage.

Most people will usually buy bubble wrap but this can be very costly. Plus, it’s not the most eco-friendly option.

Instead, one of the best packing tips is to wrap these items in your clothes. Clothing offers adequate protection so the items won’t break, and, you’ll save more money.

You’ll also cut your packing and unpacking time in half.

3. Declutter Your House Before Moving

Moving home is the perfect time to get rid of possessions you no longer use or need.

Several weeks before moving day, start to identify things you don’t want anymore. Then, you can either throw them away or donate them to a charity store. Some charities will even come to your house and take items away for you.

By doing this, you’ll save time packing unwanted items.

4. If You Use a Moving Company Look for Hidden Fees Before Signing

Moving companies are great in that they can handle a lot of strenuous work. This gives you more time to focus on other legalities of moving house.

But, some companies may have hidden fees for things like stairs. Before you sign up with a company, know exactly what you’ll be paying. This will save you from receiving a much larger bill at the end.

Alternatively use established movers like Moving Ahead Services. They’re both trustworthy and transparent so you can rest easy knowing your possessions are in safe hands. Feel free to check them out at https://movingaheadservices.com and see for yourself.

The Best Time-Saving Moving Tips

As you can see, moving doesn’t have to be a stressful experience if you know what you’re doing.

Follow these tips and it should make the whole process a lot easier. Plus, you should save money which is always welcome especially during a house move.

Finally, check out our blog for some great home improvement tips you can use when settled.


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