Clean Routine: How to Keep a Clean and Organized Home

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In a recent study, 75% of participants stated that they were able to fall asleep better in a clean and organized home. While that might sound great, keeping your home in tip-top shape can be easier said than done.

That is why we’ve created a simple guide to help you learn the tricks and secrets to getting your home clean and organized and keep it that way. Let’s take a look!

Make Your Bed

You might wonder how to keep your house clean all the time. Well to start, every day you should begin by making your bed. It is a simple task that will set the tone for you to keep things tidy throughout the day.

If your bed has too much going on, such as an excessive amount of pillows or throw blankets, you may want to consider downsizing. Keeping your bedding minimal will help make sure you are sticking to your routine and reduce clutter.

Have a Laundry Routine

Those who have solved the mystery of how to keep a clean house know that laundry can be your worst nemesis. Whether you have a large family or you’re living solo, keeping up with the laundry is key to a tidy home. If possible, you should consider doing one load of laundry a day to keep the clothing clutter at bay.

If doing the laundry every day just will not work for you, then consider creating a space for laundry storage and organization. Keep hampers neatly labeled and clothes in their appropriate bins.

Scrap the Clutter

Studies are finally showing what we have always known — clutter causes stress! Minimalism can help manage stress and anxiety. Here are a few simple areas to start decluttering:

  • The kitchen ‘junk drawer’
  • Mail pile-up
  • Excess bathroom toiletries and makeup
  • Old clothing
  • Outdated magazines and newspapers
  • Clutter under the sink and kitchen cabinets
  • The refrigerator and freezer

These areas of the home are prone to excessive clutter. Take your time to decide what you are really using and what you truly need. Once you have downsized, you can take your items and donate them to a local charity.

Nightly Clean-Up

At the end of the day, things will have gotten out of place, and dishes will have piled in the sink. Never leave it that way! Taking 15 minutes before you go to sleep will ensure that you are sleeping peacefully and waking up to a tidy home.

Identify Problem Areas

There are many high-traffic areas in the home, such as the entryway, the bathroom, and the living room. These areas are prone to scuff marks, dirty floors, and more. Consider keeping cleaners nearby in these areas.

For example, try keeping anti-bacterial handy wipes in quick reach in the kitchen and bathroom. Encourage members of your family to clean spills and messes as they see them.

Sometimes high-traffic areas just need a fresh start. If you have an area that needs a little extra attention, consider using house cleaning services to give you a kickstart on your new routines.

Keeping a Clean and Organized Home

Having a clean and organized home is easy with these simple steps. Encourage everyone in the house to stay on top of cleaning, and don’t be afraid to bring back the chore wheel!

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