Java the Hot: How to Make Coffee at Home Like a Pro


Last Updated on April 10, 2024

Thank the heavens for Starbucks and other coffee chains for providing us a caffeine boost when we need it the most. But as a coffee fanatic, you know you’re missing out when you don’t try making your cup of coffee at home. It’s either you’re up for the experience or buying Starbucks all the time is not budget-friendly anymore. 

The great news is, you don’t need some barista experience to become one at home. If you’re ready to satisfy your caffeine cravings with your DIY coffee, we’ll give you a sneak peek of how the pros do it. So stick around!

5 Housekeeping Rules Before Making Your Coffee

Before we talk about your brewing options, here are 5 tips and reminders to help you achieve that perfect cup of Java.

1. Water matters

You may not recognize it, but water plays a bigger role to make your coffee taste exquisite. 

Let’s start with the temperature. Getting the most flavor out of your coffee grounds relies heavily on the right degrees of your hot water. Use cold or lukewarm water and you’re left with a chalky, bitter coffee. Pour water that’s too hot, and you’ll get a cup of Joe that tastes bland.

The ideal temperature for your coffee’s water should be around 195°- to almost – 200° Fahrenheit. Most coffee makers can’t reach this temperature range. That’s why coffee experts recommend the old-school pour-over method so people can have full control over the water’s heating temperature. 


Next, water quality. Finding the best quality of water is simple. When your tap water tastes funny, then it’s not the right one. The best type of water to use has fewer minerals in it, leaving a minimal aftertaste when you drink it. It’s advisable to get a water filter to remove those minerals before pouring tap water over your grounds. 

Or if you’ve got a bottle of mineral or spring water, that’s a better option.

2. Keep the scale between coffee and water balanced

Coffee experts have different opinions on the golden ratio of a perfect coffee. The National Coffee Association says one to two tablespoons of coffee is perfect for six ounces of water. Some experts say one gram of coffee goes with 17 grams of water. We have different coffee preferences, so don’t hesitate to experiment on these ratios, see which hits the spot.

3. It’s all about the grind

grind coffee

Leave it to the grind size to determine your caffeine level for every cup. If you want some sweeter caffeine, go for fine coffee grounds. For a stronger punch of caffeine, coarse grounds are what you’re looking for. 

Don’t attempt to mix both kinds of coffee grinds, or else, you’ll be in for a bitter circus of taste. 

4. Fresh is always the best

There’s no rule when it comes to consuming roasted coffee, but as an unspoken commandment, coffee is best consumed when freshly roasted. 

If you have some stock of coffee beans or grounds in the pantry, and you’re not sure if they’re already old, try brewing a spoonful. If you don’t see bubbles rising at the surface, it’s already old. 

5. Invest in good coffee-making equipment (and keep them clean)

coffee-making equipment

While the best coffee maker or grinder can’t do the job of making a good cuppa Joe, they can certainly help you do so. Every brewing method requires different sidekicks, after all. For example, to achieve a silkier coffee, the pour-over method and a Chemex or any pour-over tool are your sidekicks here. 

And if you want the full experience of making your coffee, invest in a coffee grinder. You can have full control over the type of grind you want, and even have room to experiment a little. 

To find the crème-de-la-crème of all coffee makers and grinders in the market, it pays to do research first. You can check out Materialist for the best coffee-making equipment worthy of your investment. 

Make sure to clean your equipment after use, particularly your coffee maker. Coffee grounds can get stuck on the filter/pressing area, and if they get mixed with your other roast flavors, the produced coffee may not be up to par. Plus, coffee tastes bitter when the grounds are a few days old. 

How to Make a Satisfying Cup of Coffee at Home

Now that that’s done, it’s time to discuss some real coffee making! There are three simple ways you can make coffee at home: pour-over, drip, and French press.



  1. Boil your water until it reaches 195 – almost – 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Let it sit for 30 seconds before pouring.
  2. Grind your beans. Skip this step if you’ve purchased ready-to-brew coffee grounds.
  3. Rinse your coffee filter in the brewer to avoid adding a papery taste to your coffee.
  4. Put the coffee grounds in the filter, then pour water slow and steady, and in a circular motion. 
  5. Remove the filter once done.
  6. Enjoy your freshly-brewed coffee!



  1. Boil your water until it reaches 195 – almost – 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Grind your beans. Again, skip this step if you’ve purchased ready-to-brew coffee grounds.
  3. Place a filter in the filter basket and pour your coffee grounds.
  4. Add water to the back of the machine.
  5. Press the start/on button to start brewing.
  6. Enjoy your steaming cup of Joe!

French Press

French Press

  1. Boil your water until it reaches 195 – almost – 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Add your coffee grounds to the French press
  3. Add water to the French press, then stir it up. Let it brew for about two minutes.
  4. Plunge the press to separate the coffee and the grounds.
  5. Enjoy your European-style coffee!

Reminder: Use your French press moderately. According to the Harvard Health blog, drinking too much unfiltered coffee produced from the French press can raise bad cholesterol. The famous oily texture from French press coffee keeps your bad cholesterol rising as much as your caffeine satisfaction in every gulp.

Coffee making is an art

Perfecting that cup of Java requires patience and a commitment to a plethora of trials and errors. You may not achieve the perfect taste at first try, but don’t stop there. Who knows, you may discover a new taste or blend to include in your favorites!