13 Important Facts About Your Teeth

tooth care
  1. Studying Your Teeth Will Reveal Important Details About You

A careful study of the teeth can reveal important details about you. It can reveal the age, diet, and previous geographical location of a person.

The teeth also reveal important clues about any underlying medical condition a person may have, including the times they have suffered an ailment or passed through pressure.

In a nutshell, the teeth epitomizes the owner’s lifetime on earth.

  1. We All Have The Same Number of Teeth

Greek philosopher, Aristotle, believed adult males had more teeth than adult females.

Despite having a wife, it never occurred to him to verify.

The truth is members of both sexes have the same count of twenty milk teeth in childhood and thirty-two permanent teeth in adulthood, with the latter consisting of four canines, eight incisors, eight premolars and twelve secondary molars

The wisdom teeth emerge as the third molars.

They are the last to emerge and usually appears between ages 17 to 21 in most people.

Although, about a quarter of the population does not have wisdom teeth at all. It is believed that with time, humans will no longer have the wisdom teeth as the percentage of people who do not possess the third molars continues to increase.

  1. The human mouth houses about 300 bacteria species

The human mouth is home to roughly about three hundred species of plaque.

The accumulation of bacteria is responsible for the unhealthy state of the tooth.

A major example is Streptococcus, which causes the erosion of the teeth by turning sugar and various carbohydrates into acids thereby increasing the acidity in the mouth

  1. Each Tooth is Specifically Designed

No two teeth in our mouth are the same; none of the baby teeth which grow in children nor the permanent teeth in adults have the exact shape and size.

Every tooth in the mouth is specifically designed and differs in everyone. Just as each one of us has different smiles.

  1. The Teeth Enamel is the Strongest Material in the Body

No harder material can be found anywhere in the body.

The teeth enamel is so tough that an injury to it cannot be reversed or cured.

Hence, it is important to always take proper care of the enamel by consuming enough calcium and using toothpaste and mouthwash.

  1. The Two Sets of Teeth That Develop in Childhood and Adulthood Have Been Growing Before You Were Given Birth to

Even though babies arrive toothless, the buds of the milk teeth are within the jaw.

The same applies to the permanent teeth in adults which grows in adulthood.

Apart from the wisdom teeth that grow in the late adolescent stages, the buds of every member of both the milk teeth and permanent teeth are already in the jaw once the baby is born.

  1. Every human produces about 10, 000 gallons of saliva during their lifetime.

Humans produce a quarter of spit per day.

This amounts to an estimated production of 10,000 gallons in one lifetime.

Saliva production is vital and its role is important to proper body function i.e. it helps in food swallowing, and it contains enzymes that are responsible for kickstarting the first step for digestion.

It also wipes off food debris from the teeth and renders the acid released by plaque neutral as it contains calcium and phosphate thereby protecting the teeth from eroding.

  1. The Teeth are Soft Internally

Despite the tough exterior of the teeth, the inside of each tooth is soft. The hard nature of the enamel is designed for effective chewing of food in order to avoid any damage to the soft interior.

  1. Humans Use 38.5 Days to Brush

Each human will use 38.5 days brushing during their lifetime.

  1. Your Teeth Are Not Made of Bones

The teeth might have the colour, hardness and mineral constituent of the bones, but they cannot be classified as one i.e. they do not recover or regrow when damaged.

  1. It is Wrong to Brush After a Meal

Acid levels are usually high in the mouth after a meal. Therefore, it is not advisable to brush immediately after eating as it may lead to faster eroding of the tooth’s hard exterior.

Visit http://www.advanceddentalconcept.com/ to learn more about adequate teeth care.

  1. The Teeth can Survive For Long Inside Milk

During a knocked-out tooth emergency, place the removed tooth inside milk and return it to the mouth. This increases its chance of surviving the trauma then make sure to visit a dentist immediately.

  1. The teeth are positioned like an iceberg

Only a part of the teeth is visible. The other part is submerged in the gum. The gum should also be taken care of by brushing, flossing and using an appropriate mouthwash twice daily.


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