Decluttering 101: How to Get Rid of Things You No Longer Need

Decluttering 101: How to Get Rid of Things You No Longer Need

Last Updated on March 7, 2022

You look at the scattered toys in the living room and the hallway closet crammed to the brim, and you want to weep.

You’re wondering: How did this house get so cluttered?

It’s no surprise if the mere sight of your clutter causes you stress. Several studies prove that a cluttered home induces anxiety in individuals.

Here are some tips on how to get rid of things in order for you to sleep better at night.

1. Have a Tag Sale

Nothing eases the mind like some extra money in your pocket.

If clutter causes you stress and money reduces it, the answer is simple: trade your clutter for some cash.

the informal sale of secondhand stuff at someone’s house is an American institution. Participate by hosting a sale on a Saturday morning.

It’s not difficult to organize a tag sale. Just take a week or two to go through your house room by room. Organize what you’re keeping, and remove anything you don’t need.

Categorize your clutter into bags marked “toys,” “clothing,” “media,” and so on. Then, tag each item with a price.

Most homes with a clutter problem are filled with trash that no one can use.

If you find stuff you can’t sell, use services like this site to haul away the Goodbye Junk.

2. Get Your Kids to Donate Toys

How charitable are your kids?

Children aren’t exactly altruistic by nature. We have to instill in them virtues like empathy and selflessness.

what better way to do this than to help them practice donating from a young age?

If you plan on buying your kids new toys or clothes, have them donate some of their older possessions beforehand.

Childhood donation is a heart-warming exercise of thoughtfulness, and it’s a chance to teach about giving to those who are in need. And let’s face it: It’s a great way to clear that clutter.

3. How To Get Rid Of Things That You’re Attached To

If you have a hard time letting go of things, that could explain your cluttered home.

Not being able to let go of material possessions can cause almost as much anxiety as the mess they make. If you don’t want to tackle those old storage bins alone, call a trusted friend to come over and help you. She can give you some perspective on the things you should throw away.

Alternately, you can use the KonMari method: If an item sparks joy, keep it. If you don’t feel joy when you hold it in your hand, throw it away.

Of course, if every single thing you have sparks joy, you may have another problem altogether: Compulsive hoarding.

If you’re a pathological hoarder, you may not yet realize that what you have isn’t just ordinary clutter. Hoarding isn’t something to be ashamed of. It’s a condition born of psychological trauma, and it can be treated.

4. Find Friends in Need

Sometimes, it’s easier to clear your clutter when you know where your things will end up.

If you need more control over your donations, find some friends who might view your trash as their treasure.

For example, if you personally know someone who can’t afford clothes for their kids, bag up everything your own kids outgrew and pass it on. Whatever that family can’t benefit from can be passed on to other families in need.

Ready To Be Clutter-Free?

Now that you’ve gained some perspective on how to get rid of things around your house, do you feel better about your decluttering project?

For more tips on parenting, lifestyle, and managing your home, come back to our site often.