4 tips to strike the right fashion balance at work

4 tips to strike the right fashion balance at work

Last Updated on July 24, 2020

Over the last few years, there has been a real emphasis on developing a personal brand at work. While this encompasses plenty of different things, your dress code is hugely important here. In short, dressing the part has become more important, and is a sure-fire way to be taken more seriously.

Of course, whilst this has been happening, office dress codes have been changing phenomenally. Business attire isn’t always the first option, and it can make your fashion choices a little trickier.

In a bid to strike the right balance in your office environment, we have put together today’s post. Let’s now look at some of the best ways you can make a striking impression with your wardrobe.

You need to understand your industry

As we have already alluded to, office trends are changing. Formal was once the only language spoken in a typical office, but now this isn’t necessarily the case. More and more companies are becoming relaxed about their dress code, but you need to understand just where your organization sits.

Furthermore, just because they advertise a relaxed dress code, it doesn’t mean that you have to adhere to it strictly. Overdressing is better than underdressing, and the former is always going to make a much stronger impression.

The rules about footwear

It may have once been a myth, but it has become such a common statement that you really should pay extra attention to your footwear. We’re referring to the idea that your shoes are the first thing people look at, so make sure you get this area of your fashion correct should be your top priority.

Of course, this is where the dress code of your office really does come into play. If we were to recommend something that tends to suit all codes, ankle boots by Dune can be a good option. They can be purchased in both formal and informal styles and will draw eyes to your feet for all the right reasons.

Sometimes it’s about a good fit

You may have pieced together the perfect outfit, but if it’s ill-fitting it is all for nothing. For men, this might be something as simple as a tie being too short, while in other cases it might just be your shirt being one size too big.

In either case, this isn’t flattering. Again, even if you have put together the best outfit for your workplace, you will fall completely flat if you are not wearing the correct size for your body shape.

Be shrewd with your accessories

In a similar vein to the previous point, you can get everything perfect but allow things to slip through your choices of accessories.

Choose your accessories wisely, and they will complement your outfit perfectly. If you don’t, you can overwhelm it and draw attention to yourself for the wrong reasons. Even worse, if every time you walk your jewelry is rattling around, it’s another major faux pas in the world of fashion.