5 Major Tips To Help Get Rid of Your Unwanted Stretch Marks

5 Major Tips To Help Get Rid of Your Unwanted Stretch Marks

While stretch marks come in an array of different colors, often starting out as a vivid red or purple and eventually fading to a silvery white color, one thing they all have in common by the people who have them is a need to get rid of them once and for all!

We know how frustrating stretch marks can be and they can be caused my many different factors. Hormonal changes, pregnancy, stress and rapid weight gain/loss are a few of the most common.

Stretch marks appear as lines under the top layer of skin when collagen, an important structural protein that keeps the skin taut and plump, begins to weaken. The result are those annoying lines that may have sapped a little of your confidence.

Prevention is always best so we encourage you to keep your skin deeply moisturized at all times to help prevent them from starting in the first place. Especially if you’re preggers, keep that belly oiled up and you should enjoy a smooth pregnancy.

Whether you have them or not though, this article will help show you a few ways you can not only strengthen your skin and prevent more from appearing, but how you can help to fade away existing stretch marks as well!

Oil it up

Don’t even think about getting dressed after your shower or bath if you haven’t slathered your skin in a generous layer of body oil!

Moisture is key to keeping those stretch marks at bay and conventional body lotions from your drugstore just won’t cut it.

Oils are far more concentrated than water-based lotions and are best absorbed when applied to slightly damp skin. Their powerful particles will sink deep into your pores and deliver ingredients specifically targeted towards strengthening the skin and boosting collagen so you can enjoy smoother, stretch mark free skin!

Add a collagen powder to your daily smoothie

We’re a little obsessed with collagen, because not only is it great for your skin and stretch marks, it’s excellent for your nails and hair too. Your nails will feel stronger than ever before and your hairdresser will ask what you did differently when she takes in your luscious locks!

When it comes to your skin though, collagen helps to fade stretch marks, as well prevent new ones from appearing. By consuming it, you can enjoy these benefits from the inside out!

If you don’t eat meat, there are many marine collagen options available.

Take collagen boosting Vitamin C

If you’re vegan and cannot take a collagen powder at all then we highly encourage you to fill up on foods that promote collagen production like leafy greens and veggies, as well as take a vitamin C supplement.

Vitamin C is known as the beauty vitamin, because it helps to improve the skin in heaps of ways from brightening dull skin to clearing up breakouts, but for stretch marks we admire its ability to boost collagen in the skin.

Take a supplement as well as eat a diet rich in Vitamin C rich foods and just notice the awesome changes that take place in your skin!

Boost collagen in your skin naturally with this top daily technique

We’ve all heard of exfoliation and how important it is for smoother, clearer and more radiant skin, but did you know it’s an absolute must in the fight against stretch marks?

Exfoliation helps to boost circulation around the body, which in turn encourages the production of collagen. Not only will this help to fade and prevent stretch marks, you can say adios to areas of stubborn cellulite too, hallelujah!

Our absolute favorite intense, yet gentle method, of exfoliation is to dry brush on a daily basis with a good, soft bristled brush that won’t irritate sensitive skin.

Use the brush in light, circular motions, starting at your ankles and always working your way upwards. Make this a habit before hopping in the shower every day. It’s also a great way to prevent pesky spider veins and your skin will glow with health!

Switch to natural products infused with real ingredients

This one is similar to our very first tip, but we wanted to let you in on our favorite vitamin for actually helping to fade stretch marks.

Behold, Vitamin E!

Vitamin E helps to speed up cell regeneration, as well as encourage new skin growth making it a must have ingredient in any body product you purchase! Look for the organic label and check the list of ingredients for this super powerful vitamin.

There you have it! By following these tips you can expect to see your current stretch marks fade away and you won’t have to worry about welcoming any new ones either!


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