4 Steps to Getting Rid Of Mold through Dehumidifying

4 Steps to Getting Rid Of Mold through Dehumidifying

Last Updated on November 2, 2018

Molds are a type of fungi that grow on almost any surface. Their preference seems to be the walls of damp or dark areas including bathrooms, basements, laundry rooms, and kitchens. You can also find them on carpets, furniture, and appliances. In most cases, molds are harmless. However, some of them cause allergies leading to throat irritation, coughing, wheezing, and nasal stuffiness. Eye and skin irritation are also likely. Others have an unpleasant odor. Removing mold from your house helps you deal with these problems. Here are 4 steps to getting rid of mold through dehumidifying.

  1. Stop the Accumulation of Water in the Affected Area

Different types of molds exist. Sometimes, they have different colors as well. For example, they can be white, orange, purple, green, or black. However, none of them grows with water. Therefore, the first step in dealing with them is getting rid of what aids their growth. Find the source of moisture in the affected area. For example, this source can be a leaking pipe. Fix that pipe, redirect its flow, or stop water from flowing within it. Seeking professional help at this time might be an excellent idea so that you can deal with this source of unwanted moisture.

  1.    Reduce the Level of Moisture in the Affected Room

Homes have an average humidity of 40 to 50% RH. Molds flourish at an average of 80% RH and above. It is worth noting that basements have an average humidity of 85% to 90% in the summer. Therefore, molds find a perfect time to flourish in such areas at such times. Getting rid of them is impossible unless you reduce the humidity in these rooms to a level that they would find intolerable. Dehumidifiers would help you do that. Some of them can remove as much as 11 pints of water from the air each day. Others can remove as much as 30 pints of it daily.  

  1. Remove Mold That Lies In the Affected Area

Start this step by putting on protective gear including gloves, specialized goggles, and impenetrable shoes. Then take the movable objects out of the affected room and into another one. These objects include carpets, furniture, or boxes. Remove any mold on them before you do so. Cover immovable objects with plastic sheets. The next step is spraying disinfectant onto the affected area. Leave it for about fifteen minutes and then scrub it off. You can make this disinfectant from solutions of vinegar and bleach. A solution of water and detergent would also work. Make sure that you clean corners and cracks because molds often hide in hard-to-reach areas.

  1. Dry and Then Redesign the Affected Area

Begin this step by cleaning the equipment that you used to remove the mold. Then dry the equipment to deny moisture to any spores that might have survived the cleaning process. Some spores may have escaped the initial three steps as well. Drying the affected area and then redesigning it would help you remove them completely. Using a dehumidifier one more time to reduce humidity levels to below 50% RH is also an excellent idea. Click https://toohumid.com/best-small-dehumidifier to find the best dehumidifiers. Finally, paint the affected area if possible and fill in any cracks as well. Use a specialized vacuum to clear the room of spores.