Tanning Tips For Getting The Best Tan In The Summer

Tanning Tips for skin in the summer on the beach

Last Updated on May 25, 2017

Is it summertime yet? Most of us are looking forward to summer. It is a time to throng the beaches in our swimsuits. However, no one wants to blind people at the beach with pale skin. To have a sun-kissed glow, then you have to tan.

There are many tanning options available, from tanning in beds, basking in the sun or faking until you make it, using self-tanners. Whichever technique you choose to use, it all depends on you. Find more on Tanning tips for getting the best tan in the summer.

Choosing a Tanning Technique

With different tanning methods available, the next step is choosing the plan that suits you. Tanning beds and sun-based tanning work by exposing your skin to ultraviolet radiation. The rays then get absorbed into the skin and cause melanocytes to produce more melanin.

The more melanin is produced, the darker your skin tone becomes. Recent studies indicate that tanning is the natural way of the body protecting itself from the radiation. Overexposure could lead to burning, premature aging and increasing your risk of skin cancer, amongst many other adverse side effects.

However, you need to expose your skin to the radiation for your body to synthesize Vitamin D which helps in reducing the risk of contracting other kinds of ailments. Dark melanin contributes to prevent damage to the skin and prevent sunburn.

In time, your acquired color begins to fade as the skin renews itself. You will then return to your original skin color. The tanning bed also emits red lights which are believed to stimulate the production of collagen.

If you choose the self-tanning option, the formulas are composed of an active ingredient, dihydroxyacetone, which adds color. It is the component found in food coloring agents. It reacts with your dead skin cells thus causing your skin to change its color. It may last for a week with proper maintenance of the acquired color.

Tanning Tips For The Summer

For you to get an even tan, then you have to prepare for any of your tanning sessions, following the outlined steps below:

  1. Exfoliate before Tanning: exfoliation gently removes the dead skin cells leaving you with a smooth, even surface. Use gentle circular movements to exfoliate as rough motions will only irritate your skin.
  2. Moisturize after exfoliation: It leaves your skin looking silky and soft to touch. The moisturizer works by attracting moisture from the air to your skin. In case you opt for a spray tanning session, you can only moisturize a day before your appointment and not right before it.

Moisturizing is essential in prolonging the life of your tan, whether fake or UV-based.


Sun-Based Tanning

UV radiation is responsible for increasing your Serotonin levels which keep you in a happy mood. You may choose to tan while basking in the sun. Remember:

  • Apply sunscreen before going outdoors, say, 20-30 minutes. The cream will protect your skin from excessive radiation of the sun and prevent you from being sunburned.
  • Expose every part of your body to the sun. You need to turn from side to side, lie with arms stretched, etc. as you let the sun caress the usually hidden parts of the body, such as the armpit.
  • The intensity of the radiation increases as the day progresses. Between 10 am-4pm, it is at its highest. Overexposure will lead to sunburns.

Indoor Tanning

Tanning Tips indoor tanning bed

A tanning bed works using the UV radiation concept also. For the sun-kissed glow you need to:

  • Start with a short tanning session, say 5 minutes, and gradually increase the time depending on how your skin reacts. The radiation from tanning beds is higher than that of the natural sun, so, you will be more likely to get burned using beds than outdoors if you don’t limit your exposure time.
  • Apply tanning lotion. They are usually available in the tanning salons if you don’t have your own.
  • Protect your eyes from the radiation with goggles. I know you don’t want panda eyes, but you can use a bronzer to blend in color with the rest of the body.


Tanning Using Self-Tanners

Fake tan may be the safest way to tan though it fades easily and you will need to renew it after a few days.

  • Don’t moisturize or wear lotion or perfume on the day of your appointment. If you have any on, you will need to wipe them off with wet wipes. I
  • Shave/ wax a day before the tanning session. If you don’t, it may lead to dark spots appearing on the shaved area.
  • Moisturize after you have a tan to increase its longevity.


You have many techniques to choose from, so as to achieve your kind of perfect tan. Always seek the help of an experienced salon attendant especially when using the tanning beds. Now that you know, you can have that sun-kissed glow that you wished for.

Author Bio:

Tanning Tips lisa guest author bio I’m Lisa. I have a strong passion for skincare. Because of my sensitive skin, I spent many times to research carefully about the high-quality skincare products and tanning lotions. Then, I run a blog named: Find More Beauty to provide my readers with useful tips, best tanning practices as well as all my knowledge and experiences of skincare.