*Lite Up Jack O’ Lanterns*


Last Updated on October 11, 2014

I found the cutest printable Halloween Jack O’ Lanterns. They are from Martha Stewart and free to print out. All I needed was orange cardstock, scissors and tape. On her website, she has the pumpkins as party favors. I wanted to find a different use for them. I had a couple black LED lights leftover and thought placing them inside the pumpkins would make a more festive decoration. I printed the free printable on the cardstock, cute out the jack o’ lanterns, taped them together and inserted the LED candles inside. They turned out cute and added some character to the candles!

martha stewart halloween crafts

The jack o’ lanterns printed on orange cardstock and cut out

martha stewart halloween crafts

My supplies

pumpkin halloween craft

I used regular one sided tape and taped the end pieces of paper together

easy halloween crafts

You could use glue or double sided tape too

easy halloween pumpkin decorations

Here are the jack o’ lanterns all together

free halloween printables

The black LED lights that I inserted 

jack o lanterns

Lit up and glowing with the LED lights!


How To Make:

  • Print the template on orange cardstock
  • Cut out along the lines
  • Use tape or glue to secure the end pieces together
  • Insert the LED light into the paper jack o’ lanterns