*Food, crafting, running*
These 3 words truly make me smile
I can’t resist the taste of mouth watering food and the sweet smell of desserts! I have always enjoyed cooking, baking and eating so why not show my love for it through my blog! Food has always been a hobby of mine and I can’t get enough! I literally couldn’t get enough and before I knew it, I gained 20 some pounds! (The winter season wasn’t in my favor either). All it takes is that one look in the mirror and shrieking, “How did THAT happen!” Never again I said. So I set a goal and signed up for my 1st 5k race and started running.
Since then, I have been on a fitness journey to get my body into the best shape it can. In 4 months, I have lost 27 pounds. Not by the latest shake fad or impossible workout videos, but solely by a healthy diet and an easy cardio workout routine! Trust me, I still eat ice cream every single night! (But it’s the ‘no sugar added’ and ‘carb smart’) I always thought I could only eat greens on a diet, but with portion control and SELF control you can still enjoy all your favorite recipe
I am also finally admitting I am now a running addict. NotMarathonaddict, but HEALTHY 4-6 mile addict. At first it was a dreading way to stay in shape, but now it is my daily exercise. Honestly I hate running in the gym, got that membership cancelled! So my escape is to run outside. How I love nature around me and having “ME” time where there’s no cell phone in sight….just my ipod and fresh air. And I am now in the very best shape of my life and have met my weight goal. Since I’ve worked on my physical appearance, I have always had a creative mind yet never had the chance to use it much until this little website came along….Pinterest!
My Pinterest do-it-yourself projects! And I mean addiction! Who doesn’t want to try to make a masterpiece of art using paper toilet rolls?! You have to at least TRY it! I enjoy trying all these different decor projects and it has become a hobby. It makes me feel accomplished and good stress therapy!
So these 3 hobbies of mine, have all come together in a form of a blog! I gave in and want to showcase my continuing journey through my own words.
Cheers to staying fit and healthy, being the best designer you can and eating as much cake as you want!!!