What do you need to know before playing Blackjack?

What do you need to know before playing Blackjack

Blackjack is a classic card game, which has not only withstood the test of time, but remains vastly unchanged as it has evolved into the modern day and the age of the Online Cricket Betting ID. Its popularity hasn’t waned– the ease in which a beginner can pick the game up, the low house edge involved, or even its portrayal in modern and popular culture, could be why Blackjack remains much-loved by casino enthusiasts. As we mentioned, it doesn’t matter whether you’re playing the game physically, or at a casino online, the aim, rules and gameplay is much the same. So, here’s everything you need to do know before trying your hand at Blackjack, or 21.

What is the aim of Blackjack?

Contrary to popular belief, the aim of the game isn’t to reach 21. It is in fact to beat the dealer.

You can beat the dealer by one of two ways:

  • Reaching a score closer to 21 points than the dealer – or landing 21 points with your first two cards
  • The dealer exceeding 21 points, and ultimately going bust

While you may play online alongside other players, it is always the player versus the dealer, so anyone else in the hand won’t be your opponent, per se. This means that how other players play their hand will never affect your game, or the result.

How does the points tally work?

It’s incredibly simple. Blackjack uses standard playing card decks (usually multiple), so 52 cards per deck. Unlike other card games, the suits are totally irrelevant, and we’re concentrating on the cards themselves and their values. These can be split into three groups, in terms of scoring:

  • Ace – can either be low or high, so 1 point or 11 points, depending on how you wish to play
  • Number cards (2-10) – these are all at face value, so a 2 will be two points, and 10 will obviously be 10
  • Face cards (J, Q, K) – these are all 10 points too, increasing the likelihood of landing 20 points or a natural in two cards

Simply, tally up the value of the two cards you are initially dealt, and as each hand progresses, continue to add the value of any additional cards as you go.

How do hands get played?

After being dealt your two cards (face-up), add up the total. If you have got 21 points, then congratulations, you have a natural and your bet will be paid out at 3:2. If not, then you decide which of the five moves to make next:

  • Stand: if you’re happy with your two cards, you will stand on your points tally, meaning you’ll receive no more additional cards
  • Hit: if you wish to add to your points tally, receive an additional card, one by one. You can hit until you choose to stand, or that you go bust
  • Double down: if you have an advantageous points’ total, you can double your original wager and receive only one additional card. For example, if your hand contains 11 points, you could double down and ultimately land a 10
  • Splitting: if you have two cards of equal value, you can place down an additional wager, split the hand and receive two new cards to pair up with the original hand that is split
  • Surrender: you can give up half of your bet and surrender your hand. Early surrender is to drop out before the dealer checks their hole card, while late surrender gives the player the option to do so, after the dealer checks for Blackjack – and if they do, you may not surrender at all

Now you’ve understood the basics, it’s time to give Blackjack a go. Online, you may find different variations with additional side bets and bonus features, but the premise is always the same.


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