What Are the Main Points of the Keto Diet?

What Are the Main Points of the Keto Diet?

What do you know about the ketogenic diet? I ask friends this question and t5he answer that I receive often has to do with weight loss. But did you know keto was initially meant to treat epilepsy? The use of keto for weight loss is around three decades old. However, nearly a century ago, the concept of starving the body was used to treat epilepsy, not only in children but also among adults. Today, the keto diet is used in children’s hospitals across the world. But what is ketogenic diet in the first place? Well, we have mentioned something about starving, and that is a critical aspect of this diet plan. Keto is a low-carb diet plan that demands the intake of high fat, moderate protein, and significantly low carbs. You are supposed to consume these macronutrients in the right proportion in order to benefit from the ketogenic diet.

In general, you should obtain 5% of your daily calorie intake from carbs, 20-30% from proteins, and 70-80% from fats. Am sure you are getting concerned because of the lower consumption of carbs, yet the body uses glucose as a primary source of energy. So, what happens? Ideally, the body uses carbs for energy production. But in the absence of fats, fat is broken down for energy. The breakdown of fats produces substances known as ketones, which are now used by the brain as fuel. A point is reached where the body entirely uses ketones for energy, a state referred to as ketosis.

For an individual to maintain a weight loss plan and enjoy other healt5h benefits that come with the ketogenic diet, the state of ketosis must be maintained. It is not easy to maintain ketosis. Many people find it challenging to adhere to the requirements and therefore fails to achieve their weight loss objectives. That is why we are discussing the main points of the keto diet. Read to the end and see what you need to work on.

Keto Is Not a High Protein Diet

You should be careful enough not to confuse keto for a high protein diet as many have done. As we mentioned at the outset, you are supposed to consume only a moderate amount of healthy proteins. Why is this important? For a simple reason, proteins can also be broken down to release some sugars. In the presence of sugars, fats cannot be oxidized for energy production. This means there will be no ketone production. You will not be able to maintain ketosis, and the whole idea of weight loss will be a dream. So then, take keto for what it is, a low-carb diet that requires moderate intake of proteins. Remember, you are only supposed to obtain a maximum of 30% of your daily calorie intake from proteins.

It is also essential to keep in mind that the quantity of carbs that you can consume to maintain the state of ketosis is not fixed but varies with individuals. In case you are on strict keto, then you are limited to 20g daily. So, protein should constitute a maximum of 30% of this amount.

Do Not Overeat

If you are not losing weight while on keto, overeating could be one of the main reasons behind this. It is important to be careful with your calorie intake also. While you may not have to lessen them, it will be absolutely ridiculous to eat twice as much as you used to eat before enrolling for a keto diet plan. You may never cut weight on keto if you keep overeating. Remember that fats contain almost twice the number of calories, proteins have per gram. For this reason, it is important always to track whatever you eat, and there are so many diet apps that can help you in this regard, such as MyFitnessPal. This is especially the case when you are new to keto.

As you continue losing weight, the quantity of calories needed to sustain will also lessen. This means you need to reassess your calorie needs regularly. Even though calorie matters, the proportion of macronutrients is what is more important. So, focus on carbs, protein and fat and check out the keto fruit list here.

Eat Enough

Do not get confused here. There is a difference between overeating and eating enough. If you lessen calories excessively, the mode will turn to starvation mode. The rate of metabolism will decrease to protect the organs and maintain normal body functions. In an attempt to safeguard itself, the body eventually slows down in response to reduced energy levels. You may be thinking that you are actually making progress when, in a real sense, you are failing completely. The body requires a constant supply of the right macronutrients in the right proportion. Many people think the number of calories is what is more important. But the truth is that quality is essential and matters more compared to quantity. So then, be determined to attain your weight loss goals by consuming nutrient-dense foods. (naltrexone)

Ensure You Are Not Allergic to Your Diets

You cannot lose weight on keto when you are actually allergic to the things you are eating. A recent study showed that at least 15 million Americans plagued with food allergies. Food allergies should be of grave concern to you. Food intolerance leads to imbalances in the alimentary canal, and this can cause inflammation. Generally, the inflammation affects your weight significantly. Be careful with the food you eat. If you have allergies, it is good to assess the options that you are left with and exploit them.

Avoid Too Much Acceptable Carbs

As we have repeatedly mentioned, keto is a low-carb diet and should be taken that way. If you take carbs beyond the maximum requirement, you will not sustain ketosis. As a result, you cannot cut weight. Focus on eating keto-friendly foods and fruits only.

The Bottom Line

The ketogenic diet is very effective when it comes to the issue of weight loss. However, you have to be very careful and follow the diet plan fully in order to benefit, in this blog, we have discussed the five main points you need to pay attention to while on keto. We hope this discussion has been helpful. Thank you.


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