Top Signs You Should See a Specialist for Your Sports Injury


You need medical attention immediately if you tear your ACL playing soccer or dislocate your shoulder playing pickup football. However, many sports injuries are not so obvious. You should probably consult a doctor if your knee aches after lengthy runs. If you get muscular strain when playing tennis, how should you treat it? If you suspect an injury, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible. You should seek Chapel Hill injury treatment if you are experiencing any of the following signs:

Numbness and tingling

Numbness and tingling in the limbs might be caused by a herniated disc, pinched nerve, dislocated joint, or bone fracture. “pins and needles” feeling may extend to the limbs due to these illnesses since they all place stress on the nervous system.

Aching that gets worse with time

Runner’s knee and achy ankles are just two examples of overuse problems that aren’t necessarily a big deal. Rest and strength training might help if your pain is limited to when you run. If you have discomfort in a tendon, such as the Achilles tendon, and suspect you have tendinitis, waiting at least two or three days before using anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil can help the tendon recover more quickly.

One should use caution when these injuries worsen over time or when pain is experienced during and after activity. If the discomfort is localized close to the bone, a stress fracture is a possible explanation. While tendinitis is often a short-term ailment, it may develop into the chronic disease tendinosis, which requires further medical attention. A physical therapist may get an activity plan designed to aid tendon healing. Needling or surgery may be necessary for more challenging situations.

Lack of the capacity to walk

You may have broken a bone in your foot or ankle if the pain is so severe that you can’t even take a few steps. In determining whether or not you require an x-ray, emergency department doctors will consider whether or not you can put weight on the injured foot. If you are having trouble walking and don’t think anything is broken, you should still get checked out. Walking with a limp or trying to compensate for an injury might lead to or exacerbate other issues.

The inability to move or bend a joint

Tennis elbow is an example of an overuse injury that results in tendon inflammation and limits motion in the forearm and wrist. If you have hurt a joint and now it won’t flex or move, chances are it is an orthopedic issue.

A lot of swelling

Joint swelling, especially in the knees and elbows, is a common outcome of sports injuries. A fractured bone may cause swelling if there is also bruising, discomfort, or a misshapen limb.

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (the “RICE” approach) may help reduce swelling and discomfort after a suspected sports injury. If pain and stiffness persist following RICE therapy for a few days, you should schedule a visit to a sports medicine doctor. Physical therapy, therapeutic exercise, and pain medication are the cornerstones of treatment for most orthopedic ailments. Surgery is an option when non-invasive treatments have been exhausted.


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