Tips for Healthy Juicing while Traveling

juicing while traveling

While traveling, it seems difficult to stay on your diet. You may feel packaged food and processed food are more tempting at that moment. They actually become your necessity on a long trip.

However, if you drink juice regularly at your home, you can make this a great alternative to fulfill your nutrition needs. Everybody knows that getting the necessary vegetables and fruits in remote areas could be troublesome.

But juicing is a way in which you can get a glass of healthy juice from a small amount of vegetables. Simply take some necessary vegetables and fruits with you only for juicing and turn them into a healthy drink when need. Of course, you can continue eating packaged food as you don’t have other options.

The following are the tips that will keep you emphatic and healthy while traveling.

Good Preparation

Before making a trip, you generally consider so many things that make the trip pleasing. Among them, nutrition should get more importance. The reason is it will keep you fit and let you enjoy every moment.

So, when you’re thinking to stay healthy in the travel, make sure you know the food habit of your targeted area. If the area doesn’t have plenty of vegetables and fruits, carry some of them with you. Buy from the nearest market and store them properly so that they stay fresh until your travel is finished.

You can take kale, apple, and celery. Yes, celery! It is a new juicing trend and it brings some amazing health benefits to you while traveling. Also, don’t forget to carry a travel juicer for celery. It will also help you to juice most of the other ingredients too. All these preparations make your travel just amazing without compromising on nutrition.

Consider Taking Homemade Juice

If it is not possible to carry the juicer, you can take advantage of homemade juice. This is, of course, a good way as homemade juice is prepared with more concentration. The result is healthy and fresh juice that retains original nutrients for a longer time.

Travel can be of different duration. So, homemade juices that produce less oxidation could be a good choice. When filling your juice jar, make sure the juices have reduced oxidation. Store them in an ice cooler pack.

Frozen juices stay cold and with extended shelf life while traveling. Including lime or lemon in juices support them for a fresher and longer lifespan. Be informed that you cannot carry juice while traveling by plane.

Search around You

After reaching your travel destination, search the place. As you need to drink fresh juice, check if there is any juice bar. Sometimes, the nearest juice bar may not have the juice that you desire for. In this case, just find an alternative and continue in your travel days.

If you cannot find the juice bar yourself, don’t hesitate to talk with the local. They will help you to let you know where the best juice bar located. It is also normal for a good neighbor that he brings his juicer for you.

Buy Juice from a Juice Bar

The next bet is buying fresh juice from a juice bar, restaurant, or hotel kitchen. I noticed some online stores deliver raw juices all over the country. But make sure that their service is available in your travel area too.

When you’re already in your destination, search Google and possibly you will get the satisfying result. If you find any juice bar near you, then the next steps are hassle-free. Preparing fresh juice and delivering them will be done by the staff of the bar.

The key is eating healthy and stay healthy at each and every time. And therefore, your insight is mostly important. While traveling, don’t forget to consider the above-tips for a better time.


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