The Best Pool Cleaners for Your Pool in 2019

pool clenar

If you own a pool, you already know how important it is to make sure that you properly maintain the pool to keep it in good shape. While you can hire pool cleaners to come out and clean the pool, this can get expensive over time. Others take the time to clean their own pool using older tools, which takes up a lot of time and effort. For these reasons, many people will instead choose to buy their own automatic pool cleaners. These are the most common types of cleaners in use today, and they can do a remarkable job. This allows you to spend more time actually enjoying your pool rather than cleaning it.

Of course, with all of the options on the market, it can sometimes be difficult to know what to choose. It will often depend on your pool and your needs. Below, you will find a roundup of the top pool cleaners for 2019.

Pool Cleaners to Consider

The Hayward Navigator Pro is a suction pool cleaner. It is very easy to use, and you will not need to have any tools to connect it to the skimmer or suction port. It does not require a booster pump, and it operates silently. The design of the pool cleaner ensures that it has constant suction power and that it will pick up debris around the pool very efficiently.

Another of the top options you might want to consider is the Onga Hammerhead Pool Cleaner. There are no bags or compartments on the cleaner to collect the debris, as it will instead go right into your filtration equipment. There aren’t any wheels or gears, and you do not have to buy a booster pump. There is only one moving part, so you do not have to worry about it breaking down or being difficult to use. It has a compact design, but it is very powerful.

The Zodiac Vortex is another option for your pool cleaning needs. This is a robotic pool cleaner with wheels that can be operated from anywhere right from your smartphone. It has preset and customizable cleaning mode options, and overall it is very easy to use.

These are some of the best options for pool cleaners in 2019. It’s time that you bought a new pool cleaner, so you can enjoy your pool without worrying about cleaning it or hiring someone to clean it for you.


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