Do you know what the best part about decorating a nursery is? – You get to call the shots! At this point, your baby can barely do anything for themselves and rely on you for everything. So, even when it comes to décor, you have the final word. It is quite a far cry from reality once your baby grows into a teenager. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let us look at how you can make sure this space is safe for the baby and you.

Keep in mind that the nursery goes beyond the decorative aspects. Instead, it also ties in with practicality. You and your baby will spend countless hours in here, so you are better off making it as comfortable as it can be. So, how do you hit the nail on the head on both aesthetic value and functionality?

Creating a Theme

Of course, nobody will bind you to one theme, and you can always try different concepts. However, having a clear vision makes it easier to pick out items. If you are stuck on what you can implement, look for inspiration online. Or look at what your friends have done in their nurseries. Sometimes, finding the right swatch of temporary wallpaper can help you come up with a design. Do not limit yourself. Keep building on the idea, and once the time feels right, go all in!

Selecting Textiles

Do you know what can offset your whole plan? – Buying textiles last! Think about it. Suppose you decide to install your nursery wallpaper and do the painting as the first thing. It sounds like a great idea, yes? Creating the base and all that- but that is not the best way to go about this. Why? You could find curtains or beddings that are perfect for the nursery, and you would have to forego the textiles or the color scheme. While taking down temporary wallpaper is easy, it still costs you. The same goes for painting over the existing color scheme. So, here is the best way to do this. Figure out the color scheme of the textiles and buy them. Then go to the store, pick out wallpapers and paint, and work on the shell in the room. 

Installing Lighting

Have you heard mums describing their sleepless nights? Maybe the baby has colic or won’t go to sleep for some reason. In these cases, you will need a light to create a calming ambiance. When getting a light, focus on its overall style. For example, you could get a light with some animated features like baby ducks hanging on the side. Also, consider its color temperature. Babies sleep better in rooms with a calming light. So, anything over 3000 kelvins might be too harsh and could even cause sleeplessness.

Setting up a Nursing Station

Nursing is one of the challenging parts of being a mom. For instance, getting your baby to latch only looks easy in movies. But, in reality, most people struggle with getting this latch and supporting the baby as it feeds. Luckily, you can make this process much more comfortable for you and the baby by planning.

Start by getting a nursing chair with wide and padded armrests. If you can get a reclining chair that you can operate when seated, then all the better. Also, invest in a nursing pillow to offer you support as you hold the baby. This pillow can also double as a prop during tummy time. By the chair, set a table with easy access drawers to store your most essential nursing items. 

You will require low lighting for the nursing station to help the baby relax and hopefully go to sleep. Investing in dimmable LED lights can help you hack this.

Creating a Focal Point

In most nursery pictures, the crib seems to be the focal point. However, you do not always have to go with this concept. Instead, you can choose another point in the room. For example, your wallpaper could be the focal point if you use it on only one side of the room. You can work with spirals and circles for a calming environment and maybe play around with the colors. Or you could decide to draw people’s eyes to a huge toy or a dresser. There are so many ways to grab people’s attention without resorting to the same old concepts.

Setting up a Sanitation Station

Babies are very sensitive, and you will want to ensure that you have all the sanitation supplies you need to keep them protected. First, you will need a changing table to stock up on antibacterial gels, paper towels, and wipes.  Finally, you will need to have a diaper disposal system and a basket for the soiled clothing. It may look like a lot of work, but with babies soiling themselves every few hours, you need to be ready. Once the baby comes, these small things will mean the world.

Your sanitation station does not have to be drab. You can always add some art, patterns, or even fun wallpaper to help the baby relax and concentrate on something else. 

Decorating the Ceilings

As an adult, when you enter the room, you see the walls, windows, floors, cribs, and everything else surrounding you. Therefore, it makes sense that once you have all these aspects down, you would consider your work complete. But here is the thing – babies spend a lot of time on their backs. So, you can imagine how boring it can be to stare at a white ceiling all day and all night. So, before you even work on the walls, find an excellent color scheme with some patterns to decorate the ceiling. You might even find that your baby does not make much of a fuss when they wake up and you are not in the room.

Sorting out the Storage

Have you ever noticed how much stuff babies need? Unfortunately, the shopping list seems to grow bigger each year. To help you stay on top of everything your baby uses, invest in storage early on. From drawers to cabinets down to closets, understand how much space your baby items require and have it installed beforehand.

Do not forget that your baby’s needs will change as they grow, so be sure to leave enough room for this too. All the best!


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