How to Be a Sexually Confident Woman

sexually confident

A woman should never be afraid of exploring her sexuality, desires, and fantasies. To be sexually confident, she must embrace these traits, love them, and make them her own because they are a part of her.

Being sexy is not about a specific shape, face, or size. It is all about inner work and dedication to be your most authentic self. Here are ways you can be sexually confident if you are struggling to boost your self-esteem.

Feel Sexually Confident and Connected

Your body is the ultimate vehicle through which you express yourself to receive pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary to have a positive relationship with yourself, or else you are doing your body a huge disservice. When you dislike your body, you fear being seen emotionally and physically.

This can hinder your ability to form deep relationships with other people because you do not admire yourself first and foremost. To be more sexual and know how to have better sex, you need to find ways to relax and feel less anxious.

This is only possible if you are in tune with yourself and living the most authentic and fulfilling life. The good news is that you can heal the relationship you currently have with your body without changing a lot about yourself.

The most ideal way to do this is by practicing self-love rituals. This needs to be performed with consistent effort because these rituals make a significant difference in how you view and feel about your body.

Then that positive energy will vibe with the people you meet who can feel the positivity and confidence you proudly exude. The confidence you build will also translate into other areas of your life. This can also extend outside the bedroom, such as in the workplace or your social life.

Practice Affirmations to Build Self Esteem

Positive affirmations are mighty forces to trick your mind into believing that you are fierce. For instance, you should say out loud that you are worthy no matter how you look.

Remind yourself that you feel beautiful in every way and that you are more than your body. These should resonate with your mind to evoke happy and intimate thoughts if you say them often enough.

You should also try some mirror work where you look at your body frequently to fall in love with it. After some time, you will feel yourself relaxing the more you look at your body, whether naked or clothed.

Admiring yourself is not an overnight process because we all have insecurities. However, combining this step with your positive affirmations can literally feel like magic soon enough.

Adore and appreciate your body for what it is and allow more love instead of hate. Think about which aspects of your body you are most grateful for.

You may admire your hips in a specific dress or even your flexibility to dance well. When you learn that your body is a temple, there will be fewer reasons to feel disconnected from it.

Focus on Self-Pleasure

One of the best ways to deeply connect with yourself is through masturbation to conjure sexual energy. Masturbation is one of the most relaxing activities that will also help you relieve menstrual cramps, sleep better, and it can be exceedingly empowering.

When you spend time on self-pleasure once a week, you are in control and are proving to yourself that you are worthy of sexual love. This is a great way to explore your body to help with your sex life.

Then when you engage with a partner physically, you will be more empowered to express what feels good. You will also become more vocal and confident to describe all the things you enjoy, and this newfound knowledge will come from discovering it on your own.

The first step to spicing things up in your solo pleasure routine is to make discovery your goal instead of achieving an orgasm. This takes away a lot of pressure, so you can experiment with different strokes using your hands.

Try different paces and touch separate areas of your body that you have never explored before to be kinkier. Alternatively, sex toys also make life a lot easier. There are many benefits of sex toys with several vaginal, clitoral, and anal stimulation options at various price points.

Treat yourself to a unique gift to explore your pleasure zones. Check out for some of the best sex toys that will help take erotic fantasies to another level as you learn more about your anatomy.

Practice the Art of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the art of being in the present to ease anxiety. This is a great way to connect with your body to be sexually confident and receive maximum pleasure in the bedroom. If you cannot relax easily and are consumed by many anxious thoughts like what you have planned for the week, mindfulness will calm you down to enjoy the moment.

To practice mindfulness, you should start with deep breathing exercises. Start taking deep breaths deeply and slowly from your lower stomach.

This will calm your nervous system to get rid of all the tension you hold. Then your body can be open and accepting to receive pleasure more readily.

Otherwise, you will be lost in your head, and nothing you try will feel good. With this technique, you can also train yourself to push away any insecurities about your body that distract you from sexual experiences.

Start Expressing Yourself Authentically

If you want to be more sexually confident, you will need to stop holding back who you are at the core. With a few mindfulness tricks and sex toys, anything is possible.

Take your time to explore your body to fall in love with it, and do not shy away from exploring your own body to know what brings you the most pleasure in the bedroom. If you enjoyed reading these tips to help you be more sexual, check out some of our other posts for more information.


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