How Does a Water Softener Work?

water softener work

Water softeners are necessary, they are used to remove harmful minerals responsible for mineral buildup and scale deposits on appliances and pipelines. Hard water flowing through pipes can further lead to long-term plumbing and fixture damage. Top-rated water softeners can effectively remove minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and other metals from the water. In this article, you will read about how water softeners work, things you need to know about media, and the nuvoH2o citric acid water softener review as well.

How do water softeners work?

A simple process called ion-exchange turns hard water into soft water. The water, when it enters the softener, flows through resin beads. The minerals such as magnesium and calcium have a positive charge while the resin beads have a negative charge. Their opposite charge attracts mineral ions. In this process, these resin beads catch the mineral ions and remove them from the water. When the hardness is removed, the water flows out using a water softener.

Do you need a water softener?

Hard water problems are clearly visible. People often notice increased energy bills, low water pressure in pipes due to scale build-up, damaged appliances, and dry hair. If you are living with any such problem, you need a water softener. But before you start looking for a water softener, make sure you pay close attention to how the water softener works and what media it uses to treat water.

Choosing the right media

A large number of companies across the world have jumped into the water softener market. This mushroom growth of new products with different softening technologies has puzzled consumers. For instance, the citric acid water softening method which is widely being promoted as an effective solution, but in reality, has no evidence that backs its effectiveness.

The NuvoH2o Citric Acid Water Softener is one such product that is being promoted as an effective solution for hardness reduction, but it has terribly failed to impress many of its users. An interesting NuvoH2o citric acid water softener review shows how so many people regret buying water softeners based on citric acid.

Citric Acid Water Softener: A big NO

Installing a citric acid water softener like the NuvoH2o is not a smart idea for several reasons. First, there’s no scientific evidence that supports the idea of water softening through citric acid. Second, it can further lead to more problems if citric acid starts creating unhealthy substances after coming into contact with different pipe materials. The third and one of the most shocking facts about the citric acid water softeners is that your hard water problem could get worse if the citric acid metering is not precise.

The nuvoH2o citric acid water softener review reveals how the excess of citric acid can lead to health problems as well. The product in question is not bad, but calling it a water softener isn’t the right thing because it’s not a water softener. Products like these can be good at preventing scale, and that is the reason many people like them, but they don’t soften the water. So, don’t get confused.


Citric acid water softeners are often introduced as an alternative to salt-based softeners, however, none of them works effectively on hard water. A study published by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln suggests that new salt-free technologies are effective in solving hard water problems, and if chosen carefully, the right product can effectively improve water quality.

The publication also recommends that consumers should investigate the claims made by companies before buying a water softener. It is hard to predict which water softener is good by merely looking at advertisements. The nuvoH2o citric acid water softener review also warns consumers about the same.

As far as effective alternatives are concerned, we see that the template-assisted crystallization is praised for its effectiveness. Water softeners based on template-assisted crystallization use resin beads that convert dissolved ions into scale-resistant crystals. According to a study by Arizona State University, TAC (template-assisted crystallization) method is by far the most effective way to reduce hard water problems. The study found that the device based on TAC was effective for over 88 percent to 97 percent reduction of scale. Such studies show us why it’s important to verify claims water treatment brands make and why it’s important for consumers to focus more on independent studies to educate themselves.


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