Cut Down On Rice And Try These Foods Instead!

Ultimate One Pan Meal: Shrimp Fried Rice – Brown Rice
Ultimate One Pan Meal: Shrimp Fried Rice – Brown Rice

Over the years, rice has grown into one of the primary dishes of our staple diet and rightfully so. It is inexpensive, wholesome (fulfilling) and goes well with a lot of flavours and dishes. That is why it is one of the most consumed staples around the globe.

That being said, rice isn’t exactly a dietary paragon for it does have to pack a lot of carbs that are not good for our body and can lead to an unhealthy body. People, who want to or need to consume fewer carbs, need to resort to a diet that contains fewer calories. Rice does not exactly fit in, in such a diet.

Rice is an easy form of starch that is more or less easy to make and that is why it has become such an essential part of our everyday diet. However, that doesn’t mean that it is the ideal dietary component. While we are not discouraging the consumption of rice (everything should be consumed but in moderation), we are merely presenting the readers with a well-researched list of alternatives that are considered to be healthier options as compared to white rice.

What are the best alternatives to rice?

Don’t worry, we are not going to break your bubble and leave you wondering. The entire purpose of this article is to give you a neutral and well-informed perspective so that you can make a conscious decision to lead a better and healthier life. We have created an assortment of some of the most suitable alternatives to rice that you can consume far more frequently without a worry:

  1.       Quinoa – The first name that comes to mind when we say ‘alternatives to rice’ is Quinoa. Go and check the quinoa price online today and make your purchase because you can trust Quinoa to catapult you to a more nutritious life. An interesting fact about Quinoa is that it is actually a seed and is steadily becoming one of the main constituents of almost all healthy diets. When you cook it, it assumes a grain-like texture and taste. It is gluten-free and is more densely concentrated with protein than regular rice (almost double the amount of protein as compared to white rice). Apart from this, Quinoa also contains all the essential amino acids that our body requires. This means that even vegetarians can get a big chunk of their regular nutritional requirement met with, just from consuming Quinoa instead of rice. Quinoa is also a rich source of other minerals like copper and magnesium that maintains bone health and plays an important part in metabolism.
  2.       Barley – It is close in relation or rye and wheat. It may look a lot like oats but it has an earthy taste to it that is remarkable. For those looking for a good alternative to rice that retains the same nutritional benefits but adds a few of its own, barley is the best way to go. It contains round about the same calorie content as that of rice. However, the fibre and protein content of barley far surpasses that of normal rice. That is why people who need a high-calorie diet but also need more protein and fibre, opt for barley. Apart from this, barley is also rich in selenium, niacin and zinc.
  3.       Whole-wheat Couscous – This is a Mediterranean food item that is extremely rich in minerals. It is a kind of pasta that is made of flour pearls and has made its way into middle-eastern cuisine as well. The whole-wheat couscous pearls are much smaller than rice grains and therefore, are easier to digest. Furthermore, whole-wheat couscous has a higher concentration of fibre and protein. That is why it is considered to be a healthier alternative to regular rice.
  4.       Shirataki Rice – Shirataki Rice is popular among people who opt for low-calorie and low-carb diets. It contains a really rare and unique kind of fibre that is called glucomannan. Shirataki Rice is derived from the konjac root, which is native to the Asian continent. It is rich in fibre but the calorie content in Shirataki Rice is negligible and that is why it is considered to be the perfect choice for a zero-calorie diet.
  5.       Riced Broccoli – This is yet another low-calorie, low-carb food item that people on weight-loss programmes opt for. For those who prefer a diet that is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, Riced Broccoli is the go-to choice. It is one of the healthiest and richest sources of Vitamin C that boost body immunity and even reduces or prevents cellular damage. It is low in calories and fibre.
  6.       Farro – Farro is often compared to barley but the grains are larger. It is a whole-grain wheat product that can be consumed pretty much the same way as rice. This makes it one of the best alternatives to regular rice. It is a really rich source of plant-based protein and pairing it up with legumes or the likes of it can help you absorb all the 9 essential amino acids.

These are the 6 best alternatives to rice that you can consume instead of rice. They are healthier options and if you want to lead a healthier life, then make the right choice. So if you want to opt for Bagrrys oats or Farro, make sure you read about them and make your pick or mix it up by opting for all of them, one at a time.

Why do experts discourage the consumption of rice?

Like we mentioned earlier, when consumed in moderation, rice can benefit your body in more ways than one. For example, rice is a rich source of essential minerals and nutrients that our body needs. However, rice is a food item that ranks high in the high-glycemic-index food items list (i.e. it has a high-glycemic index). This can lead to irregularities in blood sugar levels that can expedite several serious conditions like heart diseases and diabetes. Also, the high concentration of starch in rice makes it difficult for the body fluids to break it down. That is why people of certain lifestyles are strictly asked to refrain from consuming too much rice regularly.


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