You’ve Nailed Your Style Now Make The Most Of It

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After years of experimenting with your fashion must haves you have finally found a style that fits you.  It doesn’t matter if you are chic, glamorous, punk or prefer the biker look, there are some pretty basic ways you can make the most of how you look now you have your fashion down to a tee.

It doesn’t matter how great your clothes look, if your hair, makeup and skin look dirty or unhealthy then you aren’t going to make your mark on the world.  So regardless of your perfect look, make sure you have nailed these few elements before heading out the door.

Let’s start with your teeth.  If you are more a messy bun and ripped jeans kind of girl then there is even more pressure to look clean and healthy under all that grunge.  First step should be nailing the perfect smile.  You don’t have to have a perfect hollywood smile with even teeth, just look at Madonna who has been rocking the gap look for years.  However making sure you have clean healthy teeth and fresh breath is going to help you look effortlessly stunning.  Make sure your mouth care routine is on point.  Brushing at least twice a day and not forgetting to floss.  If you have any sign there might be a problem, such as toothache or bleeding gums, head straight to your dentist.  Give yourself a smile to be proud of and you will boost your outfit tenfold.

Your hair health is also key to making the best of your fashion choices.  If you dress like Chanel then you need to keep your hair glossy and neat.  Fancy a more messy look?  That’s great but if you have dry frizzy locks then you could just look like a bird made a nest on your head.  This is going to distract people from the rest of your look.  Start by using a stripping shampoo every couple of weeks.  Something as obvious as baby shampoo can help to strip out all the heavy products we use for styling.  Coconut oil, either taken in our diets or used topically on the scalp, can ensure our follicles are in great order and help make our hair stronger and bouncier.  Don’t wash it everyday, instead find a gentle dry shampoo which you can use to lift the look of day old hair.  You can also invest in perfume for the hair which can take out old smells from your night out.  

The most important of all though is healthy skin.  We use so much makeup, especially over the winter months, that it’s important to have a strong skincare routine.  Micellar water is amazing at melting away makeup and leaving you with a clean base to care for.  Keep your skin protected throughout the year with a good SPF moisturiser and enjoy regular face masks to help promote cell regeneration.  The best thing you can do for your skin is to drink plenty of water and get lots of sleep.

Take your style to the next level by making the most of your natural beauty.


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