Why is education so important in your child’s life?

Why is education so important in your child’s life?

If you have children, bringing them up is a wonderful and challenging thing. From the cute toddler years to the more grown-up teenage period, children really bring so much into your family life. Of course, all parents want to do the best they can, and find ways of giving their child the best start in life. While plenty of love and cuddles goes a long way, there are more practical things to factor in as well.

One really important aspect in your child’s life when they are growing up is education, and finding the right school can make all the difference. Whether you’re considering a traditional public school or a NYC Charter Elementary School, the education your child receives in their early years can be instrumental in how they develop and fare in adult life. From the early years at primary school to the later high school years and then college, education will be the major presence as they grow up.

Top reasons why education is crucial for children

Although some children may moan about getting up to arrive on time, or the amount of homework they get, education is crucial in their lives. Here are some of the best reasons why:

  • Enables them to operate in daily life –even if they decide to leave straight from high school, education will have done its job in equipping them with the basics to get through life. Being able to read, write, count and use IT equipment are skills that they will use every day and they would be lost without them. Education is therefore vital in teaching them these basic life skills and ensuring they can operate in society as an adult.
  • Improved career prospects and salary –the knock-on effect of getting these basic life skills and qualifications is that your child will be able to find a good career afterwards. This is especially true if they carry onto further education such as college after high school. It is thought that one extra year’s schooling can increase your child’s subsequent earnings by up to 10%! Not only will they be able to find a job that pays better but also have access to a wider choice of careers to pick one they enjoy.
  • Personal development –of course, some of the most valuable things your child will get from education are not academic or career related. Just as important is how attending school and college will help them develop as a person. Mixing with other children and teachers will help their social skills progress and get them used to working with others. Education will also develop their time management skills and the ability to deal with stressful situations in later life.
  • Friends for life –if most adults look at the circle of friends they have, most will be from high school or college. The close bonds your child will form with other children during their journey in education means they will have a tight-knit bunch of friends for support in adult life. Education is vital for helping children meet the people who will turn into the best friends they will rely on in the future.
  • Access to resources not available at home –another key positive benefit of education for your child is the access it can give them to activities they are interested in and resources you may not have at home. If, for example, your child is into music but you do not have the money to buy them an instrument, the school will give them a music department to have fun in instead. Educational facilities are also particularly good at allowing your child access to computers and IT equipment. Learning skills in this area will set them up perfectly for adult life, where such expertise is becoming increasingly sought after.
  • Broadens the mind –one really awesome advantage of education for your child is the fresh perspectives it will offer to them. By learning about different cultures and societies, your child’s mind will be more open and accepting of others. As your child and all the other children in the world will one day grow up to be future leaders, this is a very good thing to help reduce conflict.

Leadership skills are a key benefit

As noted before, the children and college students of today are the business leaders or presidents of tomorrow. Education is core to this as it allows your child to learn the skills needed to fulfil these roles in adult life. Leadership is a very important attribute and one that education can help foster in your child. From the early stages of taking the lead in group work at high school to more advanced transformational leadership at college, this is a very positive benefit that education can offer your child.

Quality education is important for all children

There is no doubt that getting a quality, rounded education is vital for your child – not only for their development as they grow but also for the way it sets them up to succeed in adult life. By accessing the knowledge and pastoral care on offer at primary school, high school and college, they will be all set to forge a fabulous life for themselves and their family.


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