Recovering from a Misdiagnosed Disease or Condition

Misdiagnosed Disease

A misdiagnosed disease or condition may be a bugbear for some patients but for one in three, it can be far more serious, resulting in a serious injury or death. A study by John Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers has found that inaccurate diagnoses are the single most prevalent cause of medical errors and that they affect an estimated 12 million Americans annually. The diagnostic errors that can cause the most harm are those related to cancer, vascular events, and infections. If you have received a misdiagnosis, what steps can you take to recover both physically and mentally?

Knowing Your Legal Rights

If you have received a misdiagnosis that has impacted your life negatively and it can be proven that the medical professional/s who made this diagnosis did so negligently, obtaining the aid of misdiagnosis lawyers will help shed light on what compensation you may be entitled to. Currently, legal claims can be made for issues such as a complete misdiagnosis (which occurs when a health professional fails to recognize an existing illness or injury), a delayed diagnosis (when the diagnosis is too late and the disease may have reached an advance stage) and wrongful diagnosis (which occurs when a person receives a treatment they do not exist, so their actual condition goes untreated). Obtaining compensation can be a big help because it will enable you to obtain the therapy and aid you may need so you can make a fuller, speedier recovery.

Seeking the Aid of a Mental Health Professional

A misdiagnosis can result in a plethora of mental conditions ranging from anxiety and depression to PTSD. If you find that anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, irritability, and/or anger are persistent or severe, seeing a professional therapist can help you find productive ways to deal with the flood of emotions you are feeling. Your psychologist may recommend different approaches. These may include cognitive behavioral therapy and/or a number of natural approaches that can help reduce stress – including art therapy, exercise, time spent in nature and holistic activities such as mindfulness meditation and yoga.

Getting By With a Little Help From Friends

After a traumatic event, relying on a support group can help keep you motivated, positive, and focused on healing. As stated by researchers from the California Institute of Technology, social isolation has a debilitating effect on mental health and is strongly linked to depression and PTSD. Spending time with family friends can help you keep track of the things that give your life meaning. Joining a support group specializing in your correctly diagnosed condition, meanwhile, can help you make new friends and access invaluable information on everything from new treatments to trustworthy health professionals in your area.

Receiving a misdiagnosis can seriously interfere with your health and wellbeing. If this is the case for you, seeking legal aid is vital so as to receive any compensation you may be entitled to. Working on your mental health is also key so if your pain and anguish is persistent or severe, see a mental health professional. Also make it a point to rely on your social networks and to make new ones by joining support groups specializing in your conditi


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