Improving Hearing Health with the Most Suitable Hearing Aids

Hearing Health man holding daughters hand

Inadequate knowledge of ear health means that many people in Queens, New York, suffering from hearing loss are unaware that there are numerous available options for hearing aids. A lot of factors are considered when determining the right hearing aid device, with the most important being the nature and degree of your hearing loss.

It therefore stands to reason that you cannot choose which hearing aid to wear without seeking the advice of a qualified and experienced audiologist. If you decide to purchase hearing aids without consulting a hearing healthcare specialist such as an audiologist, you stand the risk of exacerbating your hearing problems as a result of choosing the wrong device.

When you visit an audiologist’s office, they carry out the required tests on the condition of your hearing to determine the extent of your hearing loss using up-to-date technology. Thereafter, they prescribe the specific hearing aid device that would restore your hearing to a normal or near-normal level.

That notwithstanding, you also have a say in choosing the right hearing aid device for you. There are a number of things you need to consider when buying hearing aids after the hearing doctor Queens recommends that you get the device.

Purchasing hearing aids

The single most important consideration that factors into your choice of hearing aids is the extent of your hearing loss. Your audiologist determines the type of hearing loss, the extent, and the frequencies that are most affected. Different hearing aids are suitable for different types of hearing loss.

Severe cases of hearing loss, for example, may not be remedied by small in-the-canal devices. In such a case, a behind-the-ear model would be more appropriate to adequately improve your hearing ability.

You need to take into account your overall lifestyle when looking for hearing aids. If you spend a lot of time outdoors socializing with friends and going for nights-out, a hearing aid that filters out background noise would be suitable. Similarly, if most of your time is spent indoors, attending only the occasional indoor gathering, a lot of extra features may not be necessary.

That takes us to the next point: features. The technology used in hearing devices has made huge leaps over the years, meaning you have quite a number of accessories and options from which to select. Just keep in mind that adding up numerous features and accessories won’t necessarily improve your hearing experience. Select features based on your core needs.

Comfort and design should influence your choice. You’ll be wearing the device every day, after all. In-their-ear devices are best if you don’t want to your impairment to be conspicuous. Behind-the-ear devices, however, have more functionality, e.g., the volume is adjustable.

Your budget is certainly among the most important considerations to make, especially if you only have Medicare, which does not cover hearing aids. Many private insurers, however, cover hearing aids provided you obtain a referral from a general healthcare practitioner before visiting the audiologist. Read the terms of your policy carefully.


Christi E. Langley is a practicing New York-based audiologist dedicated to improving the quality of life of her patients by providing medical services as well as writing articles on a wide variety of ear-health related topics, such as hearing doctor Queens among others.


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