How To Make A Move With Your Pet Less Stressful

How To Make A Move With Your Pet Less Stressful

According to Fort Worth residential movers, our pets mimic us in that they feel comfortable being in familiar places and in having routine day-to-day activities. When it’s time to move, it’s not just we who get stressed out, but our pets do as well.

Not only is moving to a new home with unfamiliar smells and layouts stressful but being cooped up in a car during a long road trip is enough to stress out both humans and our furry friends.

Here, we’re going to look at several things you can do to minimize the stress and anxiety your pets feel during a move, which in turn will lessen your stress and anxiety.

Try To Maintain Consistency

As mentioned, our pets get used to routines much in the way we do. So, it’s a good idea to keep your pet’s stress level down to maintain the consistency of their regular routines as close to the move as possible.

This can be tough with all the packing and planning you have to do in the days leading up to the move, but your pet will have a much better experience if you can keep their feeding schedules, walking schedules, and bathroom schedules as normal as possible.

Consider Crating

While many pets love a ride in the car, some don’t, and some won’t handle a lengthy road trip well. One way to alleviate this is to crate your animal for a long journey. However, if your dog or cat isn’t used to being in a crate, this can cause undue stress on your pet.

The trick is to get them familiar with being in a crate so that it becomes a routine. Once they understand that there’s no danger being in a crate and that they’re safe and sound; they won’t stress out when it comes time to crate them for the move.

Bring Their Favorite Toys

If your pet is riding along with you in the car, it’s a good idea to bring along their favorite toy to keep them occupied. Having something familiar to play with also reduces their stress during a long haul.

Walks and Bathroom Breaks

If you’re on a long distance move to your new home, it’s a good idea for both you and your pet to stop every few hours to stretch, go for a short walk, grab a quick drink of water, and take a bathroom break if needed.

Visit the New Neighborhood

If possible, take your pet around the new neighborhood before you move so they can become familiar with the sights, sounds, and smells. Then, once you arrive, it won’t be such a shock to them, and they’ll have an easier time adapting.

Don’t Ignore Them

Pets rely on our attention for their wellbeing, and it’s easy to ignore them when preparing for a move and unpacking at the new place. Giving them plenty of hugs and scratches assures them that they’re safe, loved, and going to be just fine.


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