How To Decide If An Exercise Class Is The One For You

How To Decide If An Exercise Class Is The One For You

Photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash

When it comes to choosing an exercise class it can be really difficult to work out what is right for you. With so many different classes to choose from, it’s easy to become overwhelmed after a couple of weeks of trying to find the perfect fit. Whilst it may seem impossible to begin with, there are a number of different things you can do to ensure you’re making the best possible decision. Whether it’s choosing a new class at a new gym or trying something new at you’re regular, this guide will give you all the tips you need when it comes to finding the perfect exercise class for you:

What Is An Exercise Class?

First things first, what is an exercise class? Exercise classes usually help at gyms and consist of one of two instructors directing students with what to do. You can choose between a variety of different activities at a range of different paces, helping to get yourself in shape. Whilst they can be expensive, they’re a really fun way to workout. For more infomation on what an exercise class is, you can visit this site here.

How To Decide The Right One For You

  • Do Your Research Beforehand

Before you book yourself onto an exercise class it’s important you’re doing your research ahead of time. Most of the time you will be given a short description of the class, however, there will be further resources online if you Google the class name. Whilst it may not be information from your gym specifically, you will be able to find information about similar classes. If you’re really worried it’s not going to be what you expect, you may even be able to find a number of YouTube videos to watch.

  • Speak To Your Friends And Family For Recommendations

Another great thing to do is ensure you are speaking to your family and friends for recommendations. If you know they attend exercise glasses, it may be worth speaking to them to find out which classes they enjoyed the most and which ones they wouldn’t recommend. Whether it’s X Boom Fitness or a Zumba class, asking people that have attended these classes personally can really help with your decision.

  • Look At Reviews Online

Another way to find out what people who have attended specific classes thought is to check the reviews online. Whilst you may not be able to find a review for the exact class you’re going to book, you may be able to find reviews on a similar class at a different location. Although it may not be too helpful, it will definitely give you an idea of what to expect.

  • Meet The Instructor In Person

If you’re worried about starting an exercise class and you’d like to meet the instructor beforehand, why not ask them to meet with you? As they’re always looking for new people to join their classes they will be more than happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns you may have. Not only will it give you a taste of the session, but it will allow you to see if you get on with the person that is going to be leading the class. As you’re going to be exercising with them for the foreseeable future, having a good relationship is important.

  • Attend A Taster Session

Although not every gym will offer this, you may be able to go to a free taster session before you sign up to anything. As a great way to find out whether or not the class was what you were expecting, a free taster is the best possible way to make a decision. If your gym doesn’t offer a free pass, why not ask if you’re able to pay for just one session?

  • Speak To The People In The Class

If you’re all attending the same gym, you may find that you have made friends with people that already take the class you want to join. If that’s the case, you can speak to them directly to find out what it is they think of both the workout and the instructor. If they’re still in the class it’s probably a good sign, but it’s always a good idea to get some specifics. For more information when it comes to making friends at the gym, you can visit this site here.

  • Give It A Couple Of Weeks Before You Make A Decision

Finally, if you have attended a taster session and you’re still not 100% sure whether it is the class for you, why not consider taking it for a couple more weeks to see how you feel? Most classes will work on a term basis so if you have to pay upfront, the most amount of session you’ll ever have to do is either 10 or 12. If you really don’t enjoy it, you may be able to speak to the gym manager to get a refund.

Are you thinking of joining a class at the gym? What can you do to ensure you find the perfect class for you? Let me know in the comments section below.


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