Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey

Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey
Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey

Getting started on your fitness journey might seem a little scary to you, but it should also be a really exciting time. You’re about to really see what your body can do! Challenging yourself and developing as a person is what life is all about, and getting into fitness certainly does that.


Before you start your fitness journey, you need to make sure your head is in the right place. This is one of the most important things. You need to have a positive mindset, and know that you can set out achieving whatever you desire. You also need to have balance. It’s not good starving yourself and going to the gym every single day, because you’ll do yourself more harm than good and won’t feel amazing like you should either!


When you know your head is in the right place, it’s time to start learning! You can’t go in the gym without a plan. Chances are, you’ll have a half hearted workout and leave feeling confused. Make sure you learn about the different styles of exercise and what they can do for you. ( Bear in mind, you can’t out train a bad diet. This means learning about nutrition and what you should be eating too! You can then create a gym and meal plan to suit your requirements. For the best results, you need to make sure you’re warming up and cooling down adequately too. The following infographic can give you some clues on how to do just that!


Infographic Created By Backfocus Physiotherapy Melbourne


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