Frisco Roofing Experts Talk About Home Inspections

Frisco Roofing Experts Talk About Home Inspections

When we talk about household maintenance, we typically tend to disregard the roof. Maybe this is because few people would crane their necks in that direction on any normal day, but somehow maintaining the roof just slips right out of everybody’s mind – until some kind of a hazard surfaces, like big leakage.

Luckily for all of us absent-minded homeowners though, simple biannual roof inspections can prevent a lot of this trouble, according to our friends who do roofing in Frisco. Here is their advice for a simple and thorough roof diagnosis run without spending money on hired inspectors.

Do an outside check-up

The first step to take is a good walk around the exterior of your home. Take your time and observe your roof from the ground perspective first. Look for sagging places, signs of aging, and any hints of damage however minor they might be.

If something looks problematic, or you feel like a spot needs a more thorough investigation form up close, make a note of that. Feel free to literally write it down, it will spare you some trouble and save you a fair bit of time.

Look for unfriendly flora

The greenery is all nice and beautiful, as long as it stays away from your roof. When they start creeping up on your home, these little guys can become quite troublesome quite quickly. Click here for some awesome tips on how to handle them if you do find some on your inspection.

Look for any patch of moss that may have started growing on a shingle or between them. Look for leaves that may have piled up, or for any traces of algae or lichens. These developments are tell-tale signs of water damage and impending leakage disaster.

Be especially careful if you have any decorative vines or other creeper plants going near or along your roof – the tiny roots they use to cling to surfaces on which they grow can actually dig into the roof construction and pry it apart from the inside before you even notice anything is happening.

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Scan your shingles

The high attic air temperature has a negative effect on the shingles of your roof. It causes “buckling”, where a shingle curls up and away from the roof surface. This in turn results in worsened ventilation capacity and leaves your home exposed to the elements.Get yourself a sturdy ladder and take a look at the roof right there on the spot.

Look very closely to locate any shingles that are curled, damaged, aged, texture-less, or gone. If you have shingles missing, you are wide open to nasty weather, not to mention your home aesthetic going right down the gutter. Try and spot these troublesome signs before they grow into full-blown problems that would require professional fixing.

Frisco Roofing Experts Talk About Home Inspections

Clean the drainage

Clean the gutters. Clean the overhangs too. Go all neat freak on the downspouts, get it all squeaky clean! These places are dangerously convenient for gathering all kinds of dirt and debris. Not only does that clog them up and prevent efficient drainage, it also breeds corrosion.

While you are cleaning these segments of your roof system, look for any signs of rotting along the way, and see if any of the joints have opened up. these issues tend to indicate greater problems, so strive to catch onto them as soon as you can. For some advice on how to clean those gutters that are high up, check out this article:

Assess your attic

If your house features attic space, clamber up there and crane your neck. Look for any indication of water penetrating the roof structure to the underside – rotting or crooked beams, rusting connectors, traces of puddles on the floor. The attic is the frontline, so it can be a great diagnostic tool for sanitizing water damage.

What next?

Take notes of everything your roof inspection revealed. If there are any problematic places, or if you are concerned or confused about something, ring up a pro from your area to come take a look. Never fall into the trap of underestimating a small-ish issue – they grow into disasters in no time. Stay proactive.


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