Five Simple Tools For Dealing With Anxiety

Five Simple Tools For Dealing With Anxiety

If you are having trouble staying focused or getting things done as a result of situational anxiety, you may be able to solve the problem through the use of lifestyle changes and natural treatments.

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For situational anxiety there are many things you can do to help yourself.

This type of anxiety usually only occurs in specific situations. For instance, anxiety that you feel about an event in the future will usually dissipate quickly once the event is over. To get through the stressful period of time leading up to the situation, however, these strategies can help:

Evaluate Your Thoughts

When you are worried about something, it is easy for your brain to go into overdrive, making things seem a lot worse than they really are by focusing on your fears. Instead of giving in to your thoughts, question them. Ask yourself if your concerns are legitimate. Focus on thinking more realistically about the situation.

Use Deep Breathing To Relieve Tension

The next time you are feeling stressed, breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this process for several minutes. Deep breathing helps reduce your heart rate, putting your entire body in a calmer, more relaxed state. You can also look into using the 4-7-8 technique.

Experiment With Aromatherapy

Scientists believe that aromatherapy works by stimulating certain parts of your brain, leading to a reduction in anxiety. Calming scents that you may want to experiment with include sandalwood, chamomile, and lavender.

Try Gentle Exercise

Spending time gently exercising can help you shift your attention to your body rather than focusing on the racing thoughts in your mind. Exercises you may want to try to include walking or yoga.

Put Your Worries Down On Paper

Consider writing a list of your worries or concerns. Oftentimes, seeing them written down will make them seem a little bit less overwhelming.

These tips work best when dealing with short-term anxiety that is related to specific situations. People who have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can also benefit from them – particularly when they find themselves in a, particularly stressful situation.

If you are concerned that you may have GAD, you shouldn’t rely on these methods alone. Instead, you should use them in conjunction with other treatment methods to get a handle on your anxiety so that you can enjoy your life again.


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