Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of A Bonsai Tree And Why

Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of A Bonsai Tree And Why

The bonsai is a fun plant to install in your office or home; however, you must be prepared to take sufficient care of it because it needs a lot of attention to survive. Although it is considered a delicate plant, even bonsai plants need to be exposed to all the four seasons, like other trees.

There is a misconception prevailing in the society regarding bonsai trees, which states that bonsai plants should be kept indoors at all times. What people don’t understand is that indoor bonsai plants are different from outdoor bonsai plants, i.e., not every bonsai needs to be kept indoors or outdoors throughout the year.

Indoor bonsai plants:

  1. The Crassula
  2. The Carmona
  3. The Sageretia

Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of A Bonsai Tree And Why

Outdoor bonsai plants:

  1. Japanese Maple Bonsai
  2. Dwarf Pomegranate Bonsai
  3. Zelkova Bonsai

As already mentioned above, Bonsai is a delicate plant as compared to other plants; so, the following maintenance tips, summarized by Kaizen Bonsai specialists, will help you take care of your baby bonsai efficiently:

Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of A Bonsai Tree And Why

  • Watering requirements

Watering is the most critical part of taking care of a bonsai because it is slightly complicated, i.e., you should not water it routinely. The correct time to water your bonsai is when the soil is slightly dry. You also need to check the soil-mixture and type of bonsai because different species have different watering requirements. There is no particular time to water the plants; however, it is advisable to avoid it during the afternoon because the cold water will rapidly cool off the warm soil, which may damage the plant.

  • Fertilizing requirements

Bonsai’s fertilizing requirements differ from normal plants because unlike normal plants, bonsai plants are planted in small pots and their root system does not grow deep to look for nutrients in the soil; instead, they need to be fertilized regularly to replenish the nutritional content. It is advisable to use the same fertilizer [NPK ratio (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium)] throughout the year for your bonsai plant, and it needs to be fertilized throughout its growth season to make sure that the nutritional content does not go below the required range. Note: sick trees should not be fertilized and also, repotted trees should not be fertilized for about a month. You must hire a professional to take care of the fertilizing aspect because the technicalities differ in different bonsai species.

Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of A Bonsai Tree And Why

  • Placement

Deciding the placement of the bonsai is challenging because several factors need to be considered, like climate, wind pressure, and temperature, etcetera. Both, outdoor and indoor bonsai plants, need to be placed in a bright spot, where they are exposed to direct sunlight about half the day, but still protected from the wind. The indoor ones can be placed by the window to make sure that it receives enough sunlight every day. Note: a constant temperature needs to be maintained for the survival of an indoor bonsai plant.  

  • Bonsai calendar

Timing your work is essential to make sure that your activities don’t interfere with the natural activity of the plant because it will cause stress to the plant, which will affect its growth. The watering and fertilizing requirements are mentioned above, so you need to follow them to ensure adequate growth of the bonsai. All plants absorb nutrients to utilize them during the growing season, so you must fertilize the soil regularly in order to provide the required nutritional content to the soil. Different bonsai species have different plant cycles, which dictate the right time to intervene with the growth. This will ensure that your activities don’t slow down the development process, instead of speeding it up. Adequate temperature conditions are also essential for the development of your bonsai plant.

Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of A Bonsai Tree And Why

The beauty of a bonsai plant makes it a tempting proposition to plant one in your house/office. The tips mentioned above will keep your bonsai healthy; else, it may get sick and die. Life expectancy of the Japanese White Pine Bonsai is believed to be over 500 years. So, with little efforts, you can not only take care of the bonsai efficiently but also trim it often to enhance its appearance.

Everything You Need To Know About Taking Care Of A Bonsai Tree And Why

Learn! Follow! Plant a baby Bonsai now!


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