7 Surprising Reasons Behind Hair Loss

8 Amazing Tips To Prevent Hair Loss That Actually Work

It is said that the average person loses between 50 and 100 strands of hair every day. Since an individual has around 100,000 hair follicles, losing a hundred strands or less per day is something that shouldn’t concern you too much. It won’t make a big difference in your appearance as well.

But if you notice that more hair is gathering in your drain or your hairbrush than usual and that your mane is getting thinner, it may be time to start feeling concerned. You will do well to read up on highly-recommended and effective hair fall treatment options, too.

This is because excessive hair loss can be the result of an underlying health issue. Additionally, certain environmental factors may cause this condition.

The earlier you know what the cause is, the higher your success will be in combating hair loss and maintaining your beautiful tresses.

Not-So-Common Reasons for Losing Hair

Aging and a genetic predisposition to hair fall are two of the most common reasons behind thinning tresses. However, there are other factors that cause falling hair which you may be surprised to know.

These include:

1.     Post-pregnancy body change

Most women notice their mane looking its best while they are pregnant. Their hair is thicker, fuller, and even shinier. This positive change in their hair is caused by a surge in pregnancy hormones.

Unfortunately, after giving birth, these hormones leave the mother’s body at a rapid pace with no time to adjust or be replenished. This depletion of hormones then causes sudden hair loss.

The good news is that most women will find their hair going back to normal post-birth. As such, in this instance, hair loss is only temporary.

2.     Birth control methods

As already mentioned, hormones play an important role in helping you have a healthy, beautiful mop of hair. When you have a hormonal imbalance, your tresses will suffer as well.

One study has shown that the use of birth control can cause a relative increase in androgen levels. This, then, leads to a boost in DHT production, which the researchers believe shrinks hair follicles.

Because of this, hair growth is affected, and the strands that have fallen are not replaced. This results in thinner hair.

In case you have to be on birth control, and genetic hair loss runs in your family, it is best to avoid birth control means that release higher amounts of estrogen and progestin. These methods include hormone injections, skin patches, progestin implants, and vaginal rings.

3.     New medication

Aside from birth control, certain prescription drugs can affect hair growth as well.

Telogen effluvium and anagen effluvium are two types of hair loss that can be caused by certain medicines. Telogen effluvium often starts to take effect within the first two to four months of drinking a new drug.


Anagen effluvium, on the other hand, prevents the matrix cells from producing new hair altogether. The effects can be typically seen immediately. In addition, you may lose hair on other parts of your body as well.

Lastly, anti-acne medications are one of the frequent culprits behind hair fall. This is especially true for products with retinol. This is because this substance can disrupt the hair growth cycle.

4.     High levels of stress

Stress affects various functions of your body, and this includes different hormonal activities. When stress affects your cortisol levels, it can lead to hair loss.

The upside is, once you have reduced or managed your stress, you will notice your hair growing back to normal. If you need help with dealing with your stress levels, try yoga or meditation.

5.     Poor diet

The lack of nutrients, especially of B vitamins, zinc, and iron can seriously disrupt your body’s normal hair growth cycle. This, in turn, can cause the follicles to go into premature hibernation and lead to excessive hair fall.

Because of this, it is crucial that you have a healthy, balanced diet full of the necessary nutrients your body and hair needs. This means eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and other foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

6.     Strenuous workout program

If your workout regimen is quite vigorous, you may want to start slowing down. Published research has proven that the more strenuous a subject’s workout routine is, the more likely he or she will experience hair loss later in life.

Because of this, reevaluate your exercise regimen now. Cut a few hours of gym time every week to maintain your healthy, gorgeous tresses.

7.     Bad hair care habits

Finally, some of your regular hair care and styling habits can lead to thinner tresses.

For starters, overusing dry shampoo can lead to clogged follicles. This, in turn, can cause permanent damage and hair loss. It is also best to replace your regular shampoo with a clarifying product since this will nourish your hair better.

In addition, using a curling iron or straightener often can lead to hair damage, too. Setting your tools to 450ºF or higher or using them for too long can burn your tresses and possibly cause them to break off.

Frequent bleaching and straightening treatments, along with excess heat, can also damage and even kill hair follicles. This will lead to hair thinning and loss.

To protect your hair, wash it only thrice a week. Reduce your use of styling tools and harsh hair treatment products as well.

If you notice more hair fall than usual, look into your lifestyle and practices and correct or avoid them as soon as possible. Get the right hair care services as well so that you can prevent your problem from worsening, and have healthy, beautiful locks again.


Vandana Luthra founded VLCC in New Delhi, India as a beauty and slimming services centre in 1989. Today, it is widely recognized for its comprehensive portfolio of beauty and wellness products and services and also enjoys a high level of consumer trust.


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