5 Tips for Getting Your Baby to Nap During the Day

5 Tips for Getting Your Baby to Nap During the Day

Regular naps are essential for baby health and cognitive development, states a study published in the Nature and Science of Sleep. There is an actual schedule for baby naps you should follow to ensure maximum health of your baby. However, there will come times when your little one just won’t go to sleep no matter what. In those cases, you can try changing the environment, or use various soothing techniques to help the baby fall asleep.

How to Get Your Baby Down for a Daytime Nap: 5 Tips to Try

     1. Make the room ‘sleepy’

Muting the light and removing distractions are essential when preparing a baby for a daytime nap. Make sure there are no noises to wake your baby. Draw the curtains to help the child relax. You might need to invest in blackout blinds if the room is facing the sun in the afternoon.

If keeping your home completely quiet is impossible, consider using a white noise machine or an app. However, be sure to observe how your baby deals with the sounds it produces.

     2. Change the room

It’s not essential for your baby’s daytime nap to be in the nursery. In fact, you might get them to sleep easier if you move the child to a different room. For example, if it’s cooler during this time of day.

To make this transition comfortable, you’ll need to have a pack’n’play that your baby can nap in. Pay attention to comfort features when looking for information on the best models available. http://www.best-pack-n-play.com/ offers these details in reviews and explains which of the popular playpens serve as portable beds the best. Make sure that the model you choose is actually safe and comfortable for the child to sleep in before buying.

     3. Calm down together

If your child has a difficult time calming and can’t nap due to agitation, take them into your arms and simply breathe together. Hold the baby to your breast so they can feel the rhythm of your breathing and heartbeat.

Unless your baby is particularly fond of them, avoid lullabies or making any other sounds during this time. Your main task is to make the baby ‘absorb’ your calm and establish a deep breathing rhythm that will help get them relaxed and sleepy.

     4. Repeat your bedtime routine

Do you have an established routine for getting into bed for the night? If so, simply repeat the steps during the day. This will help your baby get into the right mood and understand exactly what they need to do.

Use this trick during trips and other times when you can’t stick to your regular nap schedule. The elements of a well-known routine will help the baby relax and relieve some stress caused by the change.

     5. Break the nap schedule once in a while

Sometimes you won’t be able to stick to your day naptimes no matter how much you try. In these cases, watch for the signs of tiredness in the child. When you see them starting to tire, find a place to have a short nap at least.


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