All About Anxiety Disorders


When patients feel overwhelmed by life events, the brain might react in the detection of danger, anything that can cause harm to the body. Damage does not have to be physical. However, patients experience stress levels of varying intensity. For example, the anxiety you may experience before a big event is not similar to that of heartbreak or grief. Some people get anxiety Houston, a condition characterized by overwhelming stress that makes it difficult for them to concentrate and enjoy life.

What are the different types of anxiety disorders?

There are different types of anxiety disorders. A physician needs to accurately diagnose a patient’s type of anxiety to develop a treatment to deal with the underlying fear to ensure mental tranquility and wellness. The most common types of concern include:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder: Patients with this type of anxiety experience intense feelings of fear and worry. However, there is no logical explanation for your emotions.
  • Panic disorders: A panic attack is a feeling of intense fear. The emotions happen suddenly and can cause patients to experience increased heartbeats and chest pain. It is also common for patients with panic attacks to sweat profusely, and some may have an acne break out.
  • Social anxiety disorder: This anxiety makes patients worry about what others think about them. For this reason, these patients can go to the extent of rehearsing social interactions to prevent seeming odd and thus receiving judgments.
  • Specific phobias: This type of anxiety pends on a person. Certain things like heights or darkness can make a person develop intense fear until they choose to avoid specific places.
  • Agoraphobia: Patients with this type of anxiety always prefer to have a way out, especially if an emergency occurs. Whenever there is no exit, for example, in an airplane, these patients overthink their situation and fear their thoughts coming true.
  • Separation anxiety: Little children are the most vulnerable to separation anxiety. However, this condition can develop in patients of different ages. Separation anxiety is the fear that something bad will happen to you or your loved one if you are not together.
  • Selective mutism: Children can choose to only speak at home with their loved ones but remain silent in the presence of others.
  • Medication-induced anxiety: This type of anxiety can be a symptom due to drug use or withdrawal.

What is the treatment for anxiety?

Although most patients take medicine and go to counseling, a physician can develop many other types of approaches to help a patient rationalize their fear and thus manage their condition. Some of the treatments for anxiety include:

Medications: Your doctor can decide to prescribe drugs like antidepressants to help elevate your mood and boost energy levels. However, some medicines may have serious side effects and thus the need for collaboration with certified personnel.

Psychotherapy: This effective approach involves helping people control their emotions and behaviors to manage triggers. Patients may need to attend counseling that may include facing their fear, like cognitive behavioral therapy. Contact Houston Medical-Mental Health Clinic to get help for your anxiety.


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