How to Use a Reciprocating Saw?

Use a Reciprocating Saw

During these unprecedented times, more people than ever before are taking on DIY projects at home. There has been a major increase in the number of people investing in power tools for home use during the pandemic, so making sure they know how to safely operate each one is vital. If you don’t take the proper safety measures, you might sustain a serious injury. Let’s see how to use a reciprocating saw.

Before you start using a reciprocating saw, consider asking a trained professional to show you how to operate it. Most carpenters and some construction workers will have used the tool on several occasions in the past, so don’t hesitate to ask them to show you the ropes. If you don’t know someone who can help you out, this article will help you understand the basic safety steps you need to take. To avoid sustaining an injury make sure you wear the correct safety gear at all times when operating the tool. 

What can you do with a Reciprocating Saw?

A reciprocating saw is also called a Sawzall. It is a multifunctional tool that allows you to cut different materials. You can set the machine so the blaze either moves backward or forward. There is a button on the device that allows you to control the speed of the blade. You can invest in different blades that work well on different materials. Most people who use this tool hold the handle with their weaker hand and press the trigger with the other. 

When using the device you have to keep in mind how powerful it actually is. When the blade moves forward and backward while you are cutting, you can expect a lot of dust to gather. Make sure that you don’t stand too close to the cut line. 

What safety gear should I use before I start to use a Reciprocating Saw? 

Although these tools are very useful, before using them, you will want to make sure that you use the correct safety equipment. A lot of people use this tool for complicated tasks, while others use it for demolition. So it is vital that you prepare the proper safety equipment before you start to cut. If you don’t have protective goggles, then don’t operate the machine until you have a pair. There are goggles, safety glasses, and even hard hats with a protective screen readily available in most DIY stores. If you don’t wear these eye-protective safety accessories you could damage your eyesight. If a piece of debris or dust comes off the device or the material you are cutting, it could easily cut your eye. If you are using the device outdoors, you should probably wear eye-protective goggles at all times. These tools can create a lot of dust, and it will accumulate on the surface you are using in a short space of time. If a breeze was to blow all of these particles into your eye it could cause serious damage. 

Although some people like to put on safety gloves while using the machine, most experts don’t bother. As long as you keep your hand away from the path of the reciprocating saw’s blade you should be fine. 

Install the Blade

It is crucial that you fit the blade when the saw is not turned on. Before you start cutting, you must insert the blade into the saw. There are several blades out there, so you must fit it with a blade that works with the material you are about to cut. When you first bought the saw, it probably came with a variety of different blades. If it didn’t, or it came with blades but not a blade that can cut the material you want to cut, then you will have to buy some extras. Examine the blade and make sure that you keep your saw blade sharp. Don’t assume that all blades do the same thing. A blade that is used to cut through ceramics is going to be very different from a blade designed to cut through wood. 

Once you have decided on what blade to use, you can begin cutting. Ensure that the blade is tightly inserted into the machine. Before you begin the sawing process, double-check the blade to make sure it is securely installed, and then plug in the saw. 

Start Sawing

You’re almost there, but first, you should be able to adjust the shoe. When using the saw, the shoe plays an important role because it holds the blade in place. Most reciprocating saws on the market these days are adjustable, so move it so that the material you are about to cut is against it. 

Now, you should have your safety gear on, your blade tightly inserted, and the saw blades in place. Set the speed of the blade, press the trigger and begin cutting. Avoid putting the blade into full speed at the start. As you get used to using the tool, you can make it go faster. Start practicing on thinner materials, and once you have it mastered you can consider cutting thicker materials. 


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