5 great morning routines to kickstart your day

routines to kickstart your day

Do you feel frustrated when hearing all kinds of gurus speak about waking up at 5 AM to take a super-powerful start of the day? Everything we may think of at such an early hour is falling back to bed immediately. However, there are ways to make your mornings more enjoyable even if you cannot get up as early as fancy business leaders do. Here are a few healthy routines to kickstart your day from its very beginning. 

Wake up a bit earlier

First off, it’s never essential to get up at 5 AM. But it will be a great success if you can get off your bed half an hour or an hour earlier than usual. Do you constantly sleep for as long as possible just to make an absolute mess of your morning in a rush? We suggest that you can get up just a bit earlier to do a few pleasant things that will give you a boost of energy for the entire day. As a bonus, it will be easier for you to fall asleep before midnight because you will become naturally tired by 10 PM as you start getting up earlier. 

Do your own kind of a morning workout 

You absolutely don’t need to run a sprint or do heavy exercises first thing in the morning. Also, forget about doing homework with your mind half asleep—delegate it to RapidEssay if you find it hard to meet deadlines. To feel more awake, it will help a lot to move your body instead. Sitting in your comfy pajamas, you can turn on the music you like and do some variation of yoga flow or a more dynamic crazy dancing. We recommend finding the type of exercise you enjoy—this way it will never be unbearable for you to move at any point of your day. 

Make a healthy breakfast that tastes good

Are you in a habit of skipping your morning meal because you have no time? Well, that’s exactly why it’s worth getting up earlier than usual! Look for recipes of tasty meals you can cook in just 10 minutes using usual oats and a few other ingredients. Develop a habit of eating a healthy breakfast and finishing it with something delicious, like coffee with a sweet dessert. You don’t need to eat too much, but it’s definitely worth it to make your first meal of the day consistent. 

Read something inspirational

Many of us stretch for our smartphones as morning exercise routines to kickstart your day, but this practice usually fails to put us in the right mood. We advise you to look up positive, non-related to social media articles that can inspire you to move on. Read about art, discoveries, or anything else you are interested in. Boost your optimism in the morning, and it will automatically make you more productive for the day. 

Spend a while doing things you love

Have you ever thought of devoting your first morning hours to your favorite hobby? Well, you don’t have hours of course, but you can surely find some 20 minutes for arts and crafts if you wake up a bit earlier. Do you love creating art or handmade things at home? Then boost your spirits even more before you take off to work or studies. There is no rule about doing only the boring things in the morning. 

All these tricks are perfectly doable for an average person and don’t require titanic effort. You can try any of these routines to kickstart your day and make sure that they really work. Take a habit of filling your morning hours with pleasant things, and discover that life can be bearable even when it’s not a weekend. 


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