What to consider when you buy men’s elevator shoes?

Shoe Cleaning Kit at Home

Fashion and personal style can never be a mismatch! So, if it is mens elevator shoes that you want to buy next, it is important to choose the right fit and right look as well. The taller shoes should never just add a few inches, they need to look their stylish best to blend in with your style statement. Going out to buy a pair for yourself? Here’s what you need to consider when you buy men’s height increasing shoes;  

Mens elevator shoes need to feel comfortable:  

Shoes were invented to add cushioning and comfort to feet! There is no reason why height increasing shoes should not be comfortable to wear. Especially if one is purchasing them as office wear shoes. No one has time to add more pressure to a workspace anyway!   

So, the first thing to look at is of course the comfort. Compare the shoe in question to a woman’s heels or traditional insoles, that raise your heel, but slope down towards toes. Such a design adds extra pressure to feet and is not designed to make a woman feel comfortable. Oh, yes, it does take some time to get used to the heels!  

The mens elevator shoes, on the other hand, are designed with raised flat soles. It makes them far more comfortable to wear. After all, no one’s idea of wearing a height increasing shoe is to be reminded of their height all the time due to discomfort or pain! 

Check out the Jennen shoe collection to find out an elevated sports shoe. Mr Netahj, the 2.4 inches taller elevated sports shoes, are men’s elevator sports shoes whose outsole is made out of premium lightweight TPR, hence, the absolute comfort!  

Finding the right size and fit: 

Size and fitting are crucial, probably more important when the shoes in question add the extra “inches” to your height! Sadly, a lot of people wear shoes that might be slightly oversized or too light for them. This can become majorly inconvenient when it comes to height increasing ones as the elevated sole can cause you to slip forward in your shoe.   

If you have not been able to find the right size online, there is no harm in visiting a physical store once and ask for help from the people who do it all the time. Ideally, there won’t be any difference in size when it comes to buying an elevated one when compared to a flat-soled one. So, feel free to order one with a standard size in case you are sure.   

Give the weather its due consideration! 

Sometimes, a company creates a taller shoe with a single point focus – adding the inches ! It doesn’t give due consideration to effectiveness when it comes to weather resistance. Is the shoe in question water-resistant? Does it work when you might decide to hike? No one is talking about crossing a long river in them, but consider a few circumstances when they must be able to work like other traditional shoes.   

Do a little research, or read a few reviews to get the complete picture about a particular brand’s performance. Not every shoe is created to be long-lasting in case of extreme weather conditions, but a basic sturdiness must be there. It is only fair, considering the valuable money that you are going to spend! 

Elevator shoes are made to look stylish, at least the good ones are!  

There is no limit to the number of options when it comes to the taller shoes in the market. But not all of them are designed to look stylish! Unfortunately, many times, many brands make “adding height” the sole focus, and forget to design a shoe that naturally blends with an individual’s overall style statement. Always keep that in mind whenever you try anything new, can it become a part of your natural style statement?  

Additionally, as the concept is only gaining its audience, adding them in your shoe collection will give you an air of exclusivity as you might be the first one to confidently flaunt them, and can be a trendsetter in your group of friends or acquaintances!  

Buy only the top-quality when it comes to elevator shoes:   

Material quality is an important consideration here. Quality determines durability and comfort. Take a closer look at stitches, ask a few questions about the materials used, and always go for a trusted brand whose shoes you have either already worn or have at least heard of. There is no point in investing money in something that will just stay in the shoe cabinet to be ignored at one corner.   

Check out Mr Purcell Brown from Jennen, the 2 inches taller Brogue heel lift shoes, that are a must-have addition in your office wear collection. The premium Australian height-increasing elevator shoe brand makes use of premium rubber, and non-compressing polyurethane combined with an essential Jennen cushion comfort layer.   

Things to avoid when you buy your first height increasing shoes: 

Don’t buy into the “instantly grow taller” mania when it comes to shoes. Not every brand does the necessary homework to create a sturdy and durable design that not only fits right but is fashionable as well.  

One should always be on a lookout for a company that makes shoes that don’t look too much different than the flat counterparts. A shoe must not be shouting its “elevation” in a high-pitched scream! No one can ever look posh or feel confident in such an elevated pair!   

Even tall men must try it on!  

There’s a common myth that only slightly short girls need to wear heels. Girls and women of all ages and heights wear heels all the time!   

Similarly, an elevated pair of shoes can be and should be worn by even the taller men. If a company makes posh products, even if it adds inches to your gait, there is no reason why you can’t wear them to break the monotony of wearing flat-soled shoes.   

One can always go for the ones which only add an inch or so, but if it is, in fact, stylish, you need to try it on!  


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