DIY Small Living Room Ideas on a Budget

decorate your living rooms

Admit it or not, we’ve all looked at those home-décor magazines and dreamed about living in one of those picture-perfect homes and thought about decorating our own living rooms in the same manner. But most of the times those picture-perfect homes are simply too expensive to be able to afford for most of us and that’s we often just leave the idea of decorating our living spaces entirely. Read on to find more details about how to decorate small living rooms maintaining your budget.

It’s a myth that you need a really big living room to be able to decorate it. While having more space certainly allows you to put more things in, but having a small living room is no excuse to not be creative.

In this article, we’re gonna be seeing some affordable ideas to decorate small living rooms which can make your place more beautiful without emptying your pockets.

  1. Rearrange Your Furniture

You don’t always need to buy more and more things to make your living room look more pleasing. Sometimes, simply moving a few articles of furniture in a different place or even just rotating them in a different position can give it a refreshing and new feeling.

For instance, maybe try moving the couch towards the windows in the summer so as to enjoy your cold drinks with friends while also enjoying the natural breeze. You can even try to move your TV to a different position or mount it to a different height to move the entire centre of attention of the living room to a specific location. 

However, most people might have trouble deciding how high to mount TVs. If you need help with that, you can check out our guide for the same by clicking on the highlighted text.

  1. Use Sarees to decorate Walls

You don’t always need to buy expensive wall paints or artworks to make your walls look beautiful. Simply hanging some old sarees that you don’t wear that often can work wonders.

Sarees with nice floral prints or mandala designs are highly recommended. What’s better is that you can easily replace these sarees often according to different colors, patterns, and textures for different occasions. Imagine being able to do that with wall paints!

  1. Add a little bit of Green

Adding some plants is never a bad idea to decorate small living rooms. Simply placing some potted plants by the curtains or even near the TV frame, for instance, can really bring out a fresh vibe out of your living room – something you will notice right away.

You don’t really need to buy big expensive ones, but you can make do buy buying a couple of small ones to create an illusion of a more lush green environment. Ideally, try to go for plants that are really leafy so the “green” can cover more of the living area and make it the room look more natural.

  1. Change your Cushion Covers

Can’t afford a new sofa? Don’t worry. Simply changing the cushion covers and putting a colored scarf on your old one can work out just fine too.

However, we would recommend getting new cushions of different shapes and style since they are mostly affordable and having something new to look at every time you enter your living room and really make a change to the whole experience of the room.

  1. Use Drapes as Sofa Covers

Now that you have got your cushions covered, it’s time to jazz up your old sofa. If you have any drapes lying around that are not being used at all or at least as much as they should be, you can use them as a sofa or armchair cover and shape them accordingly.

Via this method, you will not only be saving money by not having to buy new sofa covers, but also be making good use out of your old drapes that were simply sitting in your closet and collecting dust.

  1. Jazz up the Lights

Since smart LEDs are getting quite affordable these days, we highly recommend replacing your old ones with them. It’s not just artists and performers who need the right lighting, your living room does too. With the right lighting you can set the vibe right in no time. 

Some smart LEDs can even change color that you can control via your smartphone! This can make a huge difference in the way your living room looks since you will be able to experiment with different colors and set the mood right for every occasion.

Furthermore, to take it one step further, you can also buy some aroma candles and place them on the coffee table to give the room a nice cosy vibe.

  1. Don’t forget to smell great

Speaking of candles, don’t forget to buy scented ones. Usually when talking about home décor, people tend to focus mostly on the visual and touch sensations while not paying much attention to olfactory stimulations which are just as important. 

A good smelling room only adds to an already good-looking room. Plus, the good news is that room fragrances like sprays or scented candles are really affordable for the value they give in return.

  1. Update Your Storage

A storage cabinet may not be the most interesting piece of furniture in the living room to talk about, but if given enough thought, it can prove really useful and even add to the beauty of the room.

The key is to be smart about it. Look for the kinda storage options that can not only hold a lot of things, but also look pretty and adds personality to your living room; even better if it complements your carpet and the color of your walls.

If the piece of furniture you have your eye on is not that interesting to look at, then make sure that it is the same color as your walls because you wouldn’t want it to be highlighted at first glance when you enter your living room.

On the other end, if it looks really beautiful, you would want it to stand out so make sure that you pick the color that is different from the color of your walls. That way, it will pick up a lot of attention and certainly a lot of praise.


The above were some tips, tricks, and hacks that you can use to decorate small living rooms without having to go out of your budget. Feel free to try them all out and see what works for you! We hope you liked this article and it helped you redecorate your living room and bring it some new life!


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