What is the Most Effective Treatment for Tinnitus?


Treatments for tinnitus will depend on the severity of the situation for any individual experiencing it, and the specific types of symptoms that you’re going through. 

When tinnitus is so severe that it makes it difficult to focus on anything, it may be necessary to implement some type of sound-masking device. For a milder form of tinnitus, it could be that all that’s necessary is some kind of behavior modification, wherein you learn to tolerate the ringing sound, and push it to the background of your consciousness. 

Any course of action which is adopted will depend on how badly tinnitus bothers an individual.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition someone experiences, often due to inner ear damage, and the sensation is often described as some kind of noise in their ears, usually which no one else can hear. Because this is a very subjective type of experience, it’s very difficult to treat, because your doctor cannot hear the sounds you are experiencing. 

For you, it might be a hissing, clicking, bringing, buzzing, or roaring sound, which seems extremely real and sometimes very loud. However in the vast majority of cases, whatever sounds you may be hearing will not be audible to anyone other than yourself. 

This kind of condition currently affects something like 50 million Americans, and is generally the result of some type of ear injury or hearing loss related to aging. 

It can certainly be a nuisance, but it’s not generally a serious health issue. Tinnitus in some cases can lead to depression or extreme anxiety, as well as an increase of stress, so in these cases it will need to be treated by a qualified physician or a therapist.

What is the Most Effective Treatment?

The most effective treatment for tinnitus will vary from one person to the next, because everyone experiences this condition in a different way. That means in order to effectively treat your tinnitus, you will need to find out which triggers worsen your symptoms. 

It’s best to take a systematic approach and maintain a journal, so that you can identify triggers with more severe symptoms. As an example, many people have reported that the symptoms become worse when they consume beverages containing caffeine. Others find that smoking or drinking alcohol worsens their symptoms. 

Some people even find that aspirin will trigger the onset of a tinnitus episode, while others have discovered that salt worsens their symptoms considerably. 

Most people are helped by trying to relax, because tinnitus often brings anxiety or stress in an individual. You should find a stress relief method which works for you, for instance meditation or yoga, and practice that as often as possible to help relieve your symptoms. It is also vital that you get plenty of sleep every night, so that fatigue doesn’t become a source of worsening symptoms. 

Keep in mind that any of these self-help tinnitus treatment which you try should be pursued in conjunction with whatever form of treatment is prescribed by your doctor.

Home Remedies

There are some forms of treatment which your doctor may recommend that should help reduce or eliminate your tinnitus symptoms, but there are also some things you can do at home to improve your situation. In some cases, providing soothing background sounds can be helpful, for instance white noise such as a fan or nature audio. 

It can also be very helpful to talk with someone who can relate to what you’re going through, and can help relieve your anxieties. 

Regular exercise can be a big help for someone experiencing tinnitus, first of all because it will generally improve your overall state of wellness. Secondly, vigorous exercise releases hormones known as endorphins, which are the body’s ‘feel good’ hormones, and will help you forget about your symptoms. 

Many people have successfully used meditation as a way of controlling and managing their symptoms, because it helps you to focus on your inner self, rather than on external factors and noises. 

Many people have found that a technique known as progressive muscle relaxation can be very effective in helping to manage their tinnitus. This involves sitting quietly and focusing on the natural rhythm of your breathing. First you breathe in through your nose, hold that breath for a while, and then exhale out your mouth.

Each time you repeat this process, try to visualize releasing a little more of the tension in your body. After you’ve done this for several minutes, practice tightening up your toes and your fingers and hold them very tightly for a few seconds, before gradually releasing them. 

Do this with all parts of your body, while focusing on releasing tension as you release the tightened muscles.

Use Every Tool at Your Disposal to Manage Your Tinnitus

Whatever level of tinnitus you may be experiencing, we can help you overcome the situation, so you can hear normal sounds again and not be troubled by anxiety and stress as much. 

Contact us today at Harbor Audiology & Hearing Services, so we can set up an initial consultation that will help you manage your tinnitus much more effectively, and enjoy life a great deal more.


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