Make Being A Working Mom Work for You

working mom

Women have to wear many hats to keep a family going. Holding down a job, whether full time, part-time outside of the home, or even working from home; cooking, cleaning and running errands; maintaining a marriage; and not least of all – raising happy children. Guilt is a common emotion for women who have to spread themselves over so many areas. The following ideas can be very helpful in organizing your many responsibilities.

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Kiddie Care

Even women who work from home may benefit from sending the littles to daycare or preschool for a few hours a day. The kids will benefit from some peer socialization and stimulating activities and you will get a few hours when it is easier to concentrate on your work. Check into the daycare Westfield NJ moms rely on to keep their children safe and happy.

Meal Planning

The key to successful meal planning is organization. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Choose a dozen meals that work for your family and make a menu for the month. Make your grocery lists from the menu and buy non-perishables in bulk. When you make certain meals, make double and freeze one for another night. Utilize your crock pot so that meals will be ready when you come home at night with minimal effort. Try a breakfast for dinner night once in a while –French toast and protein smoothies, etc. – if you need something fast.


When planning your housekeeping, don’t try to do everything every time you clean. Have a laundry day, a day you sort clutter, one day you dust, water plants and empty trash cans. Some things will need to be done daily, such as sweeping, but maybe a robotic vacuum that can run while you are working would be a helpful investment.

You may feel you have to do everything yourself, but organizing and prioritizing can help. With a bit of planning and consistency success will come. You’ve got this!


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