3 Key Benefits of Under Cabinet Lighting

under cabinet lighting

Kitchen renovations cost anywhere from $5,000 to $125,000 dollars! There are plenty of upgrades that cost little but go a long way toward adding value to your home.

One of those upgrades comes in the form of good lighting. Under-cabinet lighting adds beauty and function to your kitchen.

If you’re considering new lights in the kitchen, don’t miss out on the benefits of under-cabinet lighting.

Keep reading for more information about under-cabinet lights.

Key Benefits to Under-Cabinet Lighting

Under-cabinet lighting has several advantages. The aesthetics are important but there are other advantages as well.


Under-cabinet lights illuminate areas in an efficient manner. A large overhead light dispersing light everywhere but missing dark corners is inefficient.

Under-cabinet lights hone in on the part of the kitchen where you need light the most – the countertops. This makes the lights more efficient than other light fixtures.

2. Resourcefulness

Using an otherwise neglected space is resourceful. Most people never look under their wall-hung cabinets. There’s a wide area of unused space there.

Take that space and turn it into something useful with under-cabinet lights.

3. Aesthetics

Under-cabinet lights are pleasing to the eyes. The light fixtures are hidden while the light cascades down from underneath the cabinet. The brightness and ambiance the lights add to the kitchen adds value and beauty to your home.

Types of Under-Cabinet Lighting

There are several types of lights made for under-cabinet installation.

Strip Lights and Bar Lights

These lights come in a long strip or bar and provide a long area of even lighting. The original strip lights were fluorescent lights. The installation of these types of lights is straightforward.

The downside? Fluorescent lights contain mercury. In the event of an accident and a broken light, you end up with toxic chemicals in the kitchen.

Under-Cabinet LED Lighting

A safer option is under-cabinet LED lighting that comes in a bar, strip, or puck. These lights are plug-and-play style. Plug them into an outlet and affix them under the cabinet, and you’re done.

Under-Cabinet Puck Lights

These little lights get their name from their shape. They look like small hockey pucks. They’re about 2-3 inches across and cylindrical in shape.

The light offers a spotlight effect. LED puck lights are popular and installation is easy. Because of their efficiency, many LED puck lights are battery operated.

Battery-operated lights are great because there are no wires so even an amateur can install them.

Under-Cabinet Lighting Adds Beauty and Value

You can’t go wrong with under-cabinet lighting. It’s efficient and adds beauty. These lights are resourceful because they take advantage of unused space.

Under-cabinet lighting makes cooking easier by illuminating the prep and cooking areas.

From puck lights to strip lights, there are options that work for any type of cabinet. Even without a convenient outlet, you can add battery-operated lights.

If you’re upgrading your kitchen or doing a full renovation, consider using under-cabinet lighting.

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