Best films to watch this Valentine’s Day

Best films to watch this Valentine’s Day

Why celebrate (or get through) Valentine’s Day the same way every year? Swap a dinner date in an overpriced restaurant, or a night spent crying yourself to sleep alone, for a movie marathon this February 14th. Snuggle up on your sofa with your one and only, or your friends, to enjoy films you love from the comfort of home.

To help you pick out what to watch, we’ve joined forces with the guys from The bgo team is experts when it comes to entertainment, having released slots and games to tie in with Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters. Check out the infographic below to see their film recommendations for singles and for couples.

Don’t worry if you’re not a fan of the romance genre. As well as soppy love stories like The Notebook and classic romcoms like Bridget Jones’s Diary, you’ll find they’ve included some surprising Valentine’s Day movie choices. So even if you can’t stand lovey-dovey clichés, you’ll still find your perfect movie match.

Best Valentines day movies infographic


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