Everything Need Know Getting Dental Fillings

Dental checkup

The best way to look after your teeth is to brush twice a day for at least two minutes and to floss at least once each evening, as well as visit an Edmonton dentist near you twice a year for professional dental cleanings and checkups. However, even those who follow the most diligent oral health routines may still end up with a cavity. If this is the case, you will need to get a dental filling to alleviate your discomfort and protect your oral health. (hotcanadianpharmacy.com) Read on to learn all you need to know about the process of getting dental fillings near you. 

What Are Dental Fillings? 

Dental fillings are used to fill the space in a tooth created by tooth decay. There are many materials used for dental fillings, but the most popular are silver amalgam and composite dental fillings. Silver amalgam fillings are made from a mixture of metals such as copper, silver, tin, and mercury. They are best for those who require fillings in their molars, as they are the most durable material but are not very aesthetically pleasing. Composite fillings are made of a tooth-colored resin material and are best for those who require fillings toward the front of their mouths. Once placed, composite fillings blend in perfectly with your smile, restoring both its function and appearance. 

How Are Dental Fillings Placed? 

When you visit an Edmonton dentist for dental fillings, the process will be quick and straightforward. They will begin by providing you with a local anesthetic to numb the area around your affected tooth and ensure that you do not experience any pain during the procedure. Next, they will access and remove the tooth decay before disinfecting your tooth and placing your chosen filling material in layers. Finally, they will adjust the filling to fit in perfectly with your bite, completing your restoration. 

Healing From Your Fillings

There are a couple of things you will need to do after getting dental fillings to ensure that you heal without any complications. Your dentist in NW Edmonton will provide you with instructions for healing, and these may include: 

  • Refraining from drinking hot beverages
  • Taking ibuprofen to control swelling and pain
  • Avoid chewing on the side where the local anesthetic was administered until the numbness wears off

You may also need to avoid eating hard or chewy foods for the first couple of days following your dental filling procedure. As your swelling, sensitivity, and pain subside, you can gradually transition back to your regular diet. If you experience any pain or discomfort more than a week after getting a filling, visit your dentist for a checkup. 

Maintaining Oral Health at Home

While dental fillings are an excellent and effective treatment for tooth decay, the best thing for your oral health is to avoid needing fillings in the first place. The best way to do this is to maintain excellent oral hygiene practices in your day-to-day life. This means brushing your teeth each morning and evening for two minutes, flossing each night, and maintaining a well-balanced diet that is low in sugar. You should also visit a dentist at least once every six months for a professional dental cleaning and checkup. 

Visit Albany Dental

If you believe that you may be dealing with tooth decay and would like to learn if you require dental fillings, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated team of dental professionals at Albany Dental. We are happy to provide you with a comprehensive oral exam to determine if you are a good candidate for dental fillings. Please contact us to book your appointment today. 


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