7 Super Common HVAC Problems You Should Know About

7 Super Common HVAC Problems You Should Know About

As a homeowner, nothing hurts more than paying too much for your home’s utilities. For most homeowners, the average price paid per year for electric alone comes to more than $1,200.

What if there was an easy way to cut that bill? There is and it involves staying on top of your home’s HVAC system maintenance and repairs.

Though you rely on your system daily, you probably don’t know what to look for when deciding whether it’s time to call your repair expert.

Here are a few of the most common HVAC problems to watch for.

1. Dirty or Clogged Air Filters

Every home HVAC system pulls air from outside the house and brings it to temperature in the system before sending it out into the rooms.

That outside air often has dirt, dust, and debris which gets caught up in the system. Before the HVAC unit can send those contaminants out into your home, they get caught in air filters.

If you use your system regularly, those filters will get dirty fast. And if you let them sit for months at a time, you could end up clogging them, forcing your system to work harder just to keep your home comfortable.

Ideally, replace your HVAC filters once every three months or let your HVAC repair technician replace them for you during your regular tune-ups. This will help you keep your system running efficiently and can save you money on your electric bills month after month.

2. Leaking Refrigerant

Refrigerant leaks don’t have to be big to be a major problem. Most air conditioning systems use refrigerant to cool the air they send out into your home.

When the refrigerant levels drop due to a leak, the system can’t cool your home adequately. This means it will have to work longer and use more energy to cool your house every day.

Over the course of the summer, it can cause your electric bills to skyrocket. Worse, it will leave your house feeling warmer than it should.

If you notice that your home isn’t staying cool during those annoying heatwaves or notice a puddle of liquid around your AC’s condenser, call a repair technician as soon as possible. The sooner you get the leak repaired, the better off your system will be.

3. Dust Buildup on Main HVAC Components

The internal components of your HVAC system are typically protected from the elements. But that doesn’t mean they can’t get dirty over time.

That dust and dirt buildup can cause both your heating and cooling system to work less efficiently. This means you’ll notice that your rooms stay warmer in the summer and colder in the winter for seemingly no reason.

The best thing you can do is stay on top of your regular tune-ups. According to the team at Edwin Stipe HVAC, getting tune-ups for your heating and cooling system at least twice a year can help keep things working more efficiently.

Even better, those regular tune-ups can help keep your system from breaking down right when you need it most. The fewer emergency repairs you have to schedule, the more money you’ll save.

4. Broken Thermostat

Believe it or not, many problems that seem like they’re from the HVAC system itself are actually caused by the thermostat.

The thermostat tells your heater or air conditioner to turn on when the temperatures reach a set level. When the thermostat breaks or gets damaged, that signal may not get sent.

This results in a poorly performing heating and cooling system.

Your HVAC technician will be able to tell you if it’s an issue with the unit itself or if your thermostat just needs a little TLC.

5. Strange or Loud Noises

Even the highest quality systems make noise when they turn on. You know what those noises sound like for your system, so start paying attention to the noises you hear.

If they sound different or strange, you’ll want to call a repair expert. Those strange noises could be a sign that there’s major damage inside the system. The longer it runs with those damaged components, the more problems the system will develop.

Though repairs may not be able to prevent noises when the system kicks on, they can keep them to a reasonable level.

6. Improper Maintenance Records

If you bought a house with an existing HVAC system, you may not know how well the previous owner maintained it. This means there’s a good chance they didn’t stay on top of routine maintenance.

When the system isn’t properly maintained, it faces a higher risk of damage throughout the season. Parts are more likely to get damaged and the unit could need costly repairs that put strain on your budget.

While you can’t make up for the last few years of neglect, you can ensure that the system gets the care and maintenance it needs to perform well in the future. Schedule tune-ups at least twice a year and take care of minor repairs as soon as you notice a problem.

7. Uneven Heating and Cooling

Under ideal conditions, your HVAC system heats and cools your home uniformly. There won’t be any surprise cold spots and your thermostat will make sure the rooms stay within a set temperature range.

Unfortunately, that won’t be the case when you have a problem with your HVAC system. Worse, you won’t be able to diagnose the cause of the problem on your own. You need to let your repair technician inspect your system.

It could be a problem with the unit itself. But you could also have an issue with the seals around windows and doors or the insulation in your walls. Your repair expert will help you identify the exact cause.

Final Thoughts on the Common HVAC Problems

These are just a few of the most common HVAC problems homeowners can expect to see throughout the year. No matter what problems you’re experiencing, don’t try to fix the damage yourself.

Call your repair technician and let them assess the damage. They’ll help you make sure your system works as it should year-round.

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