Primary Differences Between Hatha Yoga & Vinyasa Yoga

Primary Differences Between Hatha Yoga & Vinyasa Yoga

People have several reasons for practicing yoga. Most do it for stress relief, fitness, mindfulness, and spirituality. Just as there are various reasons for one to engage in yoga practice, there are different types of yoga. For you to appreciate the benefits of yoga, you need to look at hatha vs vinyasa. It is easier to understand each yoga technique by looking at the differences.

Hatha uses individual poses while Vinyasa involves a series of movements

Although hatha and vinyasa techniques increase flexibility and strength, hatha focuses on purifying the body through meditation. The styles will help you to improve your breathing and quiet your mind. Vinyasa yoga involves past-paced postures that focus on the flow of movements, instead of individual poses, as is the case with hatha yoga.

Hatha yoga is great for beginners, while vinyasa is ideal for 

Beginners favor Hatha yoga because it is slow and gentle. Combining movements can be difficult and complicated. This is because you need to control your breathing as you move. Slow movements are easier for beginners because they can manage it without becoming breathless.

Vinyasa, on the other hand, takes one inhale or exhale with every pose. The rhythm of exhalations and inhalations  This is only possible if one has adequate knowledge of yoga. This yoga technique is physically demanding. The quick movements are great for your cardiovascular system. 

You burn more calories with vinyasa yoga

If your primary interest in yoga is weight loss, you need a form of yoga that is ideal for weight loss. When you do 60 minutes of vinyasa yoga, you will burn about 445 calories, while hatha yoga done in the same duration will only burn 175 calories. 

Hatha yoga involves gentle movements that will help you build muscles over time. This will boost your metabolism and eventually help you to burn calories efficiently. However, you require patience because it takes a while for this to happen. 

The main objective of hatha is deep concentration

The other difference between hatha and vinyasa is the objective of each yoga style. Hatha yoga involves Dharana, which means deepening concentration. The slow movements help with meditation and spiritual growth.

Vinyasa yoga, on the other hand, is mainly for internal cleansing. This is primarily because you synchronize your breathing with your body postures. As you move, your internal temperature rises, and your body becomes warmer. The blood thins and flows more freely to the different organs. The result is a healthier, lighter, and stronger body and mind.

One needs to build up to vinyasa yoga slowly

Even if you have experience in yoga practice, you need to take your time when attempting to take up vinyasa. This is because you need to have the right alignment if you are to avoid injuries. Many people are interested in vinyasa yoga because they are concerned about their body image. However, this technique requires one to know when to move, and when to be still. 

Age and events dictate the yoga technique you should use. Having adequate knowledge of the demands of hatha and vinyasa will help determine the one that suits you best.


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